Chapter 19

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Cole walks through the door Monday morning and I jump up from where I've been sitting on the stairs and kiss him. He kisses me back before pulling away and giving me a bemused expression. "What's all this, I thought we were still on the down low?"

I smile at him, "Nope! I told Kyle Friday but you've been gone all weekend helping Annaleigh move  and I wanted to tell you in person." He gives me a wide smile, "Well, in that case." He bends down and kisses me again, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me up so that I'm standing on my tiptoes.

"Dude, stop molesting my sister in the middle of my house." Kyle grumbles from behind us on the stairs. Cole pulls away with another grin but does put a little distance between us. I pout and glower at Kyle who makes a face at me.

"Just because I'm okay with it doesn't mean I want to see it." I stick my tongue out at him, "Oh, real mature." He mutters as both of my parents round the corner. Cole immediately drops his hand, which was still on my waist, as they come over to us.

"Honey, this came in the mail." My dad says, handing me an envelope. I flip it over and feel my pulse quicken when I see Johns Hopkins University printed in the return address spot.

I'm very aware of everyone's eyes on me as I turn the envelope back over and slide my finger under it, breaking the seal. Slowly, with hands shaking slightly, I pull out the letter and unfold it. I read the first words I am pleased to announce... and squeal loudly.

"I got in!" I screech, grinning widely. Cole squeezes my shoulder and Kyle grabs me into a tight hug, "Go Dyl." He says and I can hear the smile in his voice. When he releases me my dad pulls me into a hug too. "Way to go Dylan, we're proud of you."

One of you is, I think to myself, as I look over at my mom. She has a forced smile on her face, it's too tight and her eyebrows are drawn together. I can see the disapproval in her eyes.

I turn away from her slightly and shoot Kyle a look. "We should uh, get going." He says, saving all of us from the impending argument. My dad nods, "Drive safely." Cole gives him a mock salute and a yes sir and then we're out the door.

Once outside Cole wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses my temple, "Congratulations, I know how hard you worked to get in." I noded, smiling in spite of myself. "Thanks." I said softly.

"Don't let her get to you," Kyle says as he holds the car door open for me, "Someday she'll pull her head out of her ass and see what an amazing daughter she has."

I give him a smile and a quick hug, "Thanks Kyle." I climb into the truck and slide into the middle, "Let's just go. I don't want to think about her." Cole nods and they hop in.

He starts the car and presses play on the stereo, the Footloose soundtrack comes blasting from the speakers. I reach over and squeeze his knee, watching as his lips pull up into a smile. He knows exactly how to make me feel better.


"Are you kidding me, you got into Hopkins?" Lena squealed, grabbing my wrist and causing the half the people in the hallway to turn and look at us. "Yes, I got into Hopkins." I mutter, hating all of the eyes that are slowly starting to avert themselves. "That's fantabulous, congrats." She says, squeezing my wrist.

We reach our lockers as the final dismissal bell rings, a relief after the long day that I've had. "Thanks," I say, my mom's reaction this morning still tainting the news. "Let me guess, your mom didn't take it well?" Lena asked raising an eyebrow.

I shake my head as I start to turn the dial on my locker. "No, she didn't. You could see the disapproval in her eyes." She opens her mouth to say something, but I can feel the anger rising up in me so I shake my head, "No, ugh... I don't want to talk about it Lena. I just want to forget about it."

She shrugs, "Fine, all we have is a fabulous softball workout to attend to." She gives me a cheeky smile and I shove her arm. "You have a softball workout." I remind her, "I have a swim meeting." She huffs and crosses her arms, "Oh yeah, I should have done a second sport, then I could miss this too."

"Have fun." I say, slamming my locker door shut. "Whatever." She mutters before glancing at her phone, "Better go, you don't want to be late. That would really suck." She sticks her tongue out at me, "You suck." She mutters before walking backwards towards the gym. "Have fun at your stupid swim meeting." She calls out.

I grin, "Have fun at your stupid softball workout." She sticks her tongue out again. "Seriously, later Lena." She gives a wave and then turns around, leaving me alone in the middle of the hallway. I slow turn and head in the opposite direction, towards my swim meeting, thinking about how I'm lucky to have her as my bestfriend.

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