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I look around the room and take a sip from the glass in my hand. I sigh and run a hand over the floor length dress I'm wearing. I feel so out of place, these aren't my residents and this isn't my hospital.

I spot my father on the opposite side of the room talking with a fellow doctor. He looks up and catches my eye, giving me a warm smile. I return it and take another sip.

A set of arms slip around my waist and then Cole's smooth voice whispers into my ear. "There's my beautiful wife," He lifts the champagne cup from my hand and sets it on a side table. "What do you say we get out of here, go find our highway?"

I smile and place my hand on his arm, leaning into him. "That sounds great." I can feel him smiling as he kisses my cheek, "Great, let's go." He drops his arms and grabs my hand instead, pulling me towards the door.

We head out to the highway and start driving. I kick off my heels and prop my feet on the dash. "It's not the same in the new truck." I comment, leaning back in the seat. He laughs, "It is nice to be back on our highway though."

"Agreed." I reach forward and press play on the radio. Faithfully starts blaring from the speakers and we both start singing along. We drive for a while, both of us relaxing into the comforting rhythm of it. Eventually he pulls off, parking the truck in a field on the side of the road and hopping out, "Come on." He says with a grin.

I jump out and go around to the bed as he drops the tailgate. He tosses some blankets and pillows back there and then comes over to me. He puts his hands on my waist and effortlessly lifts me up so that I'm sitting on the tailgate. Then he leans forward and kisses me. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. For a moment, it feels like we're back in highschool.

I smile at that thought and then pull away. "What?" He asks, giving me a confused smile. I bite my lip and try to keep the huge grin off of my face, not wanting to ruin the surprise. "Well, I have something to tell you."

He raises an eyebrow at me, "What is it Dyl, you're kind of freaking me out." I smile again, feeling tears of happiness come into my eyes as I tell him, "I found out yesterday that... I'm pregnant."

His mouth drops open and then the next thing I know his arms are around me and he's yanking me off the tailgate and spinning me around in a circle. He shouts in joy and then sets me down on my feet.

He grabs my face with both hands and stares down into my laughing eyes. "You're pregnant?" He questions with such joy that I swear my heart is going to melt. "Yes, I'm pregnant. I took like 3 tests." If possible, his grin stretched even wider and he leans down and kisses me. I can taste his happiness in the kiss.

He pulls away and drops his hands from my face. "I can't believe this, I'm gonna be a dad!" He drops his hand to my stomach and then looks up and meets my tear-filled gaze. "We're gonna be parents." He whispers.

I smile widely and place my hand on top of his, "Yeah, we're gonna be parents." He leans forward and places his lips against my stomach. "I love you so much." He says so softly and sweetly that I swear I'm going to become a puddle of mush on the ground. The fact that I don't know which one of us he's talking to brings my heart more joy than I ever could have imagined.

I run my fingers through his hair as he places his forehead to my stomach. "I will do everything I can to protect you." He looks up into my eyes and straightens up, cupping my cheek with the hand not pressed agaisnt my stomach. "Both of you." He whispers softly, leaning forward and kissing me sweetly. "I love you so freaking much."

He rests his forehead against mine and I squeeze the hand still positioned on my belly. "I love you too, there's no one I would rather have this baby with." He laughs softly, "We're having a baby!" He whispers and I giggle. "Cole, we're having a baby."

He laughs and pulls me tightly to him. As I stand there in his arms I'm so happy and content. We're having a baby and I know that no matter what happens, no matter what life throws at us, we'll always be together. We'll always have this amazing love, this amazing story, nothing and no one can ever take that away.


A/N: Hey guys, so this is officially the end of the story. It's been such an incredible journey and I have thoroghly enjoyed writing this story. I've loved getting to know Dylan and Cole and I hope that you have too. This was a very difficult chapter for me to write, I hate ending things like this and I hope that I've done their story justice. Please please let me know what you think of the story, I love feed back, anything to help me improve my writing skills is greatly appreciated. Thank you for sticking it out until the end, it's been a great ride!

With much love,


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