Prologue: Lab Partners Part 1

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Elijah kept his face blank through the entire class, but even his blank expression couldn't hide the nerves he was feeling. It was the first chemistry practical class and the lecturer was explaining the procedure. But that wasn't what was making him nervous. It was the "pairing lab partner's" process that is going to take place at the end of the class.

The one thing which Elijah took very seriously is his grades. He needed good grades to get into a good university, which was necessary for him to take over his father's business. Being the only son of McCoy's, he would obviously inherit everything, but that's not what he wanted. He wanted to deserve what was rightfully his.

And for all this to happen, he needed to ace his exams both theory and practical. So, here comes the crucial question, who would be his lab partner. Until the previous year, it was upto the students to chose their partners but the rules have changed. Now the teacher randomly picks students and pairs them up.

Elijah took a silent deep breath. He could not afford to have a dumb partner and fail in the exam. He wanted, no needed a smart hardworking student. His eyes caught a moment towards his left and his eyes caught Natalie Reed twirling a strand of her hair with her index finger and sending him a sly smirk. A grin formed on his lips and he smirked back at her.

He knew half of the girls in his class were pinning to be paired up with him for two reasons, one he was excellent in academics and two, he was extremely hot.

His brown eyes reminded them of chocolate which all girls swoon over and his dirty blonde hair just makes him all the more irresistible. He enjoyed the attention that girls showed towards him, but being paired up with one would be a huge 'NO'.

No matter how much attention they gave him, he didn't want them to be his lab partner. He wanted a smarter one. Someone like....

"Elijah McCoy", Teachers voice snapped his attention. He raised his hand from the last bench where he usually sits, "Your partner will be...", and that was the moment Elijah lost his mind.


"Sangavi de Silva", the teacher announced the name and a head shot up from the first row.

"Was she sleeping?" "Damn! She is dead!" whispers and mutterings arose in the silent chemistry lab.

"Yes maam", Sang squeaked out, her voice laced in fear.

"Were you sleeping in my class?" Mrs. Naomi Salvatore asked narrowing her eyes menacingly at her.

"I was tired", Sang muttered. Her brain was telling her to deny but she listened to her heart which suggested to go with the truth.

"Doing what?" the teacher snapped placing her fists on her hips. She was glowering over Sang who was still seated with her eyes wide in fear.

"Last night I hadn't slept at all. I can't sleep when it's raining thunders. And last night..." she trailed off looking at the angry teacher.

After a minute of menacing silence, the teacher spoke, "You will be the lab partner of Mr. Elijah McCoy" and with that she walked back to reading the names of other partners.

There were groans and squeals with each name that was being announced. But Sang wasn't listening to any of it. Her mind was on something completely different. She is going to be the lab partner of Elijah McCoy? Like the Eliijah McCoy?

Her head turned slowly to a complete 180 degrees and her eyes met with a glaring chocolate brown one's. In the last bench, with his fists clenched tightly sat Elijah, shooting daggers her way.

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