Chapter 18: The Dark Side

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He sat up straight in his chair as Sang strutted towards him, swaying her hips way too much. He gulped at the sight of the seductress who was strutting her way towards him on purpose. His seductress. His heart thumped in his rib cage crazily like it might pop out of its cardiac membrane any moment now.

His eyes and body followed each and every moment she made as she came around the table and stood in front of his chair. Her eyes wavered for a moment to him and the door behind her shoulders, as if she was contemplating an escape. Oh please leave, before I do something we both might regret later. He thought with a suppressed groan

"Are you scared of me?" she asked cocking her head to a side. Eli stared at her for a while, without replying which just made her grow in anticipation and bite her lip,

"Why would you say that?" he asked clenching his fist to stop himself from grabbing her by her waist and ravishing her on the table,

"Why were you behaving so oddly at dinner?" she asked narrowing her eyes at him, which made her look all the more sexy. She was like that sexy school teacher which every teenage kid fantasized about, so hot and...

"Eli?" she softly called his name, pulling him out of his fantasy world,

"No", he cleared his throat before turning back towards his PC to check on his stocks report.

"Then why are you behaving like this?" she asked, or more like whined like a stubborn kid

"Look, I told you, I am not scared of you", he snapped irritatingly which he thought would make her leave, but she didn't.

"Aren't you scared of me after I attacked you that night?" she asked widening her eyes innocently. She seemed genuinely confused making Eli smile at her. Could he ever hate her if she behaves so innocently?

"Look at you Ace. You are half my size, literally. I think I can easily take you down", he chuckled shaking his head,

"Then why didn't you?" she asked cocking an eyebrow at him

"Well", he shut his PC off, knowing this conversation would take a while than he expected and walked to the nearby couch which looked upon the floor to ceiling glass windows, "I was taken by surprise", he sighed staring at her figure from top to toe, "You don't look like someone who would fight back. I thought you were all, 'be peaceful, violence is not the answer' kind of person. You attacking me was a surprise to me. And I am worried about receiving more and more such unpleasant surprises, but I am not scared", his lips tugged at the memory, "I think that violent side of yours started to grow on me, cause I am always looking forward to it. Each and every second", he grinned at her flushed face,

"I am a peaceful person. I am a vegetarian", she snapped at him angrily. His grin morphed into a face splitting smile.

"Hmm", he hummed crossing his hands across his chest and staring at her flushed face,

"I still don't believe that you are not scared of me", she muttered under her breath, but in that night of silence he heard each and every word of it.

He sighed audibly, "Should I prove it to you?" he asked cocking his eyebrow at her. Before she had the time to answer, he pulled her by her hand onto his lap and slammed his lips on hers.

Sang gasped at the surprise attach which he took on advantage and plunged his tongue into her lips, deepening the kiss all the more.


I shouldn't have come here. No, I should have just gone to my room and slept under those warm blankets like a good girl. Bad girls who wander in the house at night get ravished like this. Shit! Shit! Shit! She chanted to keep herself from falling into the limbo of eternal pleasure that Eli tempted her.

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