Chapter 26: Memories and Plans

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Sang was sitting by the window in her old bedroom where she had gathered a treasure of memories. She looked over the garden where her mother spent her evening over a cup of green tea and started thinking how her life took an 180-degree turn.

She still couldn't believe that she was married, and that too to the Elijah McCoy, the boy she once used to despise a lot.

Flashback: High School

"Listen carefully Helena!" Sang grabbed the taller girl by her shoulders and gave her a stern look. "He might invite you over to his room. He might seem sweet and shower you with loads of attention, but trust me dear", she stared right into Helena's blue eyes, "he is using you".

"Humph", Helena shrugged off Sang's hold on her shoulders and smirked, "You are saying that only because your families hate each other. Trust me de Silva, I know everything about your family rivalries",

"Tsk Tsk", Sang shook her head calmly with a composed face. Since it wasn't the first time she was having such a conversation with a girl, she was well versed with what all was going to come, "My family might hate his and vice versa, but I hold no personal grudge on him. He is just a player, just like many other hormonal boys his age. I don't want you to get hurt, that's it", she sighed.

"It's true!", Sixteen-year-old Kaya added pushing her nerdy glasses over her nose, "He slept with our roommate Michelle and the next day, he just threw her out of his room mercilessly. Poor Michelle had to endure the 'walk of shame' the next morning", she cast a pitiful glance towards a red haired girl who was walking down the corridor which Sang mirrored.

Helena gave them both a confused look, while she gulped in fear. No doubt, she has already imagined herself to be his girlfriend, alas, she had no idea what kind of a playboy Eli was. "Why do you both care? What is in it for you?", Sang shared a knowing look with Kaya and a mischievous glint lit their eyes.

"Because we are your fans", they chorused with a similar looking smile, filled with fake admiration.

"You are the best cheerleader with the grace of a swan. After all, you aren't life those girls who swoon every second he sighs, right?", Sang asked innocently and Helena's eyebrows shot up with a boost of ego

"And we hate him for even thinking of dumping you after using you. After all, you aren't as dumb as the other girls he has used before", Kaya added, "are you?"

Helena's eyes widened and she shook her head in negative. "What the hell", she cursed shaking her head. "He and you both", she pointed her manicured nail at their noses before continuing, "can get lost", she flipped her hair to one side and walked away.

When they both were sure that she was out of hearing range, they both burst into fits of laughter. "Seriously", Sang spoke clutching her stomach, "I've never seen anyone as dumb as her before", she said laughing loudly.

"True", Kaya added wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Did you see the way her eyes lightened up when we compared her to the other girls?" and that made them laugh even more.

After a good fifteen minutes of laughter, they both sat down in the cafeteria, enjoying the hot coffee when Kaya asked, "Are you done taking your revenge?"

"No", Sang snapped, "How dare he switch my papers and tamper with my grades", if looks could kill, Eli would have been dead and six feet underground even though he wasn't in front of her. That's how angry she looked.

"You shouldn't have to get him caught then. It's your mistake too", Kaya said gulping her coffee

"You didn't hear the way he spoke to me. And damn his attitude, man. He thinks as if he's the best and treats the rest of us like dirt. Thank god, I am not his lab partner anymore", she shook her head in annoyance and continued drinking her coffee,

"Yeah! Poor girl", Kaya shook her head with a smile, "How long will you continue with this revenge of yours?",

"As long as it's fun", Sang winked at her friend "And as long as you keep helping me", she added with which both of them feel into another round of laughter.


Sang shook her head at the memory. She used to hate him so much that she tried her level best to make sure that he doesn't get any girls during high school. If only they went to the same college, she would have made sure the same, there as well.

She continued looking out of the window as a light pitter patter began, making the view look breathtaking. She sighed in happiness, hugging herself in content. If only, she could spend her life here.... she thought when the door to her room squeaked open.

She slowly looked to the door, only to find her husband standing there with an uncertain look on his face.

She took a moment to study his features, which she ignored for most of the time. He became a couple of inches taller than he already was in high school. His shoulders grew broader and his chest looked hard and well defined. For a moment a proud feeling spread throughout her heart; he is all mine. And as soon as the thought occurred, they drifted off into a sinful path.

Eli cleared his throat, snapping her eyes towards his. He gave her an intense look, trapping her gaze and making her breath hitch.


"Are all the preparations are done?" James McCoy asked walking into the office room of the de Silva mansion where Mr and Mrs de Silva along with Sharon McCoy sat, making preparations for their children's honeymoon.

"Yeah, darling. Thank you so much for your help, by the way", Sharon said sarcastically rolling her eyes. James gave her a stern look which she immediately ignored.

"They will be staying in India at my parent's house", Alina said with a smile,

"Your parent's house? Why not at a resort? They would have more privacy, wouldn't they?" James asked frowning at them. His gaze landed on Mr. de Silva who was sitting silently at the oak table lost in his thoughts.

"If we send them to a resort or a hotel, there is a high chance for them to stay in different rooms. They might even ignore seeing each other for the entire period of honeymoon", Sharon shrugged as if its the most obvious thing in the world,

"Which is why we are sending them to my parent's house. They will make sure that they both are working on their relationship and not just lying to us", Alina added with a smile.

"Okay", James gave a curt nod and walked towards Damien who seemed to be lost in thought. "What is it Damien?" he asked flopping down in front of him, on the leather chair.

Damien glanced at him through the corner of his eyes and sighed. "I don't know if any of this will work", he muttered in a low tone that only he and James could hear. James threw a glance towards two women who were excitingly making calls and preparations and turned back towards Damien.

"Why is that?" James asked

"Do you seriously think Elijah and Sangavi would fall for such silly schemes and mend their ways to make their marriage work?" he raised his eyebrows. "I know my daughter better than anyone else.If she even gets the wind of all the things Eli did to protect our businesses and this empire, forget their marriage, she would never even look at his face ", he hissed.

"Eli will make sure she understand", James said not at all convincingly

"He can try. But once she learns the truth, their marriage will be over. I can assure you that", Damien said in a sad voice. 


Oopsie! A short chapter! I know I know. I knowingly kept it short, because the next chapter has a lot of romantic action and its kind of long. Stay tuned for it. 

And have a great day guys! 

By the way, how many of you thought, that I wouldn't update today????   ;)

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