Chapter 17: Thoughts at Dinner

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Sang released a huge breath as she placed her hand on the door knob of the condo, which was now her home. Images of last time she entered this house flashed in her eyes, when her husband was sucking faces with another woman on their couch. She shook her head to relieve those negative thoughts and once again took a deep breath and slowly released it. With sweaty hands she slowly opened the door, which made a swishing noise as she pushed it wide open.

She glanced quickly at the offending couch and reverted her eyes from it, but unlike her fears there was no one exchanging saliva on it. She sighed inaudibly and walked ahead into the condo with her head held high.

"Welcome home babes", Eli's loud voice startled her and her hand immediately went to her racing heart,

"Gosh! You scared me", she snapped at him angrily but the anger immediately vanished when she saw him. Dressed in a white body hugging vest and track pants, with a 'kiss the cook' apron over his chest, he looked delicious. She swallowed at her weird taste of delicacy and mentally shook her head.

"Sorry", he said cheekily and walked to her. She watched as he sauntered towards her with a grin and opened his arms in invitation. What is he doing? She frowned at his open armed stature.

"Say hello to your hubby", he said and enveloped her small form in a hug. "I missed you", he murmured huskily against her ears, his breath tickling her bare skin, while shaking her body with his tight hug.

"" Sang was too caught up in the sudden embrace to understand what he was talking about. Miss me? Hubby? Is he drunk? She wondered, sniffing his body for any trace of alcohol. But instead her nostrils were consumed with an intoxicating odor of manly body wash and Eli's personal body odor, which was surprisingly very pleasant. She greedily took in another nose-ful of that delicious smell before he suddenly pulled back, startling her with the sudden movement.

"Zach is here", he added quickly with a fearful look in his eyes, as he held her within an arm's distance.

"Oh", was all she could manage to say before Zach stepped forward towards the couple with a bright smile,

"Good evening Mrs. McCoy", he said formally, giving his hand for a shake,

"It's okay Zach, you can call me Sang. Though we were never met properly, we have known each other for too long now, to go back to surnames", she said with a smile while shaking his hand.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Eli release a sigh of relief and she wondered about the reason behind his strange behavior. He looked scared, worried and also tensed, and for the love of Jesus, she couldn't understand why.

"Shall we have dinner, I am starving?!" Zach said rubbing his stomach emphasizing,

"Sure. Excuse me, I will freshen up", she excused herself and walked upstairs to her room still reeling with numerous doubts, why is Zach here? And why is Eli so worried about it? And if he is really uncomfortable with Zach's presence then why didn't he stop him from coming here?


"See, now that wasn't so difficult was it?" Zach grinned at Eli patting his back encouragingly. He didn't know what made him pretend like that in front of Zach, but somehow just the mere fact that his wife not paying any heed to his feelings and needs hurt his ego. Even though Zach was his best friend for so long, he didn't want to share that bit of his married life with him, in fact he didn't want to let any soul know about it. May be that is what they call a male ego. That urge to prove was so strong that he even pushed his fear aside and embraced Ace.

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