Chapter 25: Unaware of the truth

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Eli joined in her laughter after a couple of seconds. He wasn't sure of what was happening. Of course, he knew that Sang wasn't as sadistic as he was, but he actually thought that she wanted Clara dead when she said that she'd destroy him. Truth be told, he was a little excited for her as well.

But now, everything changed. He didn't know what to do. Should he let Clara go? But he can't do that. If Clara goes out and starts ranting about Eli and what they did to her, then?

We didn't do anything, technically! His subconscious reminded him. Our men just bought her here by force, and when she started to fight back, they made her unconscious by spraying chloroform. You didn't do anything.

That was the only consolation he got from his subconscious, but it was not enough for him to let Clara go. The risk was too high and as Sang said, she did look scared enough to not speak about it again, but it was something Eli couldn't take a chance with.

"So....?" he turned to Sang with a broad smile, which was completely fake. Behind it were a lot of emotions that were swarming in his mind.

"So?" Sang shrugged, "I haven't forgiven you yet", she added in a serious tone, "You are equally responsible for this mess, as much as Clara is", Sang sighed and shook her head. "You treated her very poorly".

"What?" Eli shrieked in outrage. "I bought her gifts, that cost me a fortune. So, don't say that I treated her poorly". Sang stared at him in bewilderment when she didn't understand what he meant. But the immediate laughter which followed his statement made her realise that he was 'kidding'.

He rolled over in laughter, making her roll her eyes. "Ha ha ha. Very funny", she said drily.

He sobered up from his laugh, wiping his eyes, "Sorry, but I couldn't help it", he chuckled silently. "I never treated her poorly. If she thinks I cheated on her or something, then she's lying", he said seriously.

He got up from the couch and walked towards the car counter, filling two glasses with brandy, "I have been with many women. Many willing women. To be honest, I never had to lie or force women to sleep with me", he pulled himself on top of the bar stool, "A couple of sweet words and a promise of the passionate night was more than enough to get them into my bed". Sang's eyes widened at his blunt words, "I am not boasting, Ace. Now that I have you in my life, I'm not even proud of my score anymore. But believe me, when I say this, I never gave women false hope or promises of a 'happily ever after'. They knew what they were getting into when they decided to get into my bed".

Sang remained honest as one of the men present there bought her the glass filled with brandy. She took a sip of it and got lost in her thoughts. The distant look on her face was making him agitated.

He knew he was no saint, but not many were. He had the opportunity and he took it, whenever it came to women. Does that make him a villain? There were women who were not his type, for whom, he was not their type. He never approached such women. After all, why burst your bubble of ego by getting rejected from a woman who is not even interested?

"Boss", Theo approached him silently. Eli cast a look towards Sang and when he was sure that she was out of hearing range he nodded for Theo to speak, "What do we do with her?"

"What's she doing now?" Eli asked.

"She's unconscious. She was making too much of noise, so the boys chloroformed her again", Eli nodded his head and took a big gulp of the liquid.

"What are the consequences if we let her go?" he asked leaning onto the counter and blatantly eye-raping his wife

"She might go to the cops, but we can take care of it. She can go to the media, which are already preying on us for any more gossip and it can cause a bigger scandal. Though she says that she wouldn't tell a soul about what happened here, we couldn't be too sure", Theo finished simply, waiting for his boss to give orders.

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