Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

2 weeks passed and Darcy was still in coma and the doctors didn't let us visit her until now. I fought with the doctors many time, but rules are rules. The doctors won't let me leave the hospital until all my cuts heal.

The lads and their girlfriends went home to have a rest but Eleanor just arrived. She sat on the sofa and rubbed her bump "Thank for coming, El" she smiled "Its okay"

"I miss Darcy" she spoke, playing with her hair. Hearing Darcy's name made my heart broke. "I miss her too" I said, my eyes were getting watery but I didn't let the tears fall. Am I too sensitive?

"I miss the way she kiss me and how loving her hug is" I continued. She gave me a warm smile. "We all do miss her, Haz. But we can't do anything, we have to wait and pray for her" I nodded in agreement.

Hours passed fast. Someone knocked on my room door. "Maybe its one of the boys or the girls" Eleanor told me. "Come in" I said.

The doctor entered the room with a grin on his face "Hello Harry, how are you today?" I smiled "I'm good, thank you. My cuts are getting better"

"I have a good news" he said still grinning. "Can I hear it?" Of course, I have to hear it. Why I'm even asking? "Yeah, sure. Your girlfriend, Darcy is way better today and you can visit her. But only two persons can enter the room at the same time"

I couldn't believe what I'm hearing! I finally got to see Darcy. I hugged the doctor and then Eleanor. "Can we see her now?" Eleanor asked him and he nodded. "Follow me"

I was happy to see her and excited but the biggest happiness is when she wake up, and I know its very soon. After walking and walking we arrived at Darcy's room.

"You can go first" Eleanor suggested but I shook my head "You are coming with me. I know you miss her and you want to see her" she grinned and we entered the room, together.

My angel was laying there, finally I got to see her. I wished her eyes were open but they weren't and that broke my heart. She looked lifeless and tired.

I ran to her, and kissed her forehead and cheeks. I was almost gonna cry but I didn't. I was staring at her, not moving any muscle. Just staring at her beautiful face.

"I missed you Darcy...we all missed you" Eleanor spoke, a tear dropped on her dress. "Yeah baby, we all did. But I'm the most" I smiled, even thought she can't see me smiling.

"Please, just wake up. I need you. My baby need you to talk to him just like you do everyday. He miss you" she smiled at her bump and rubbed it carefully, with another tear falling from her eyes.

She held her hand "Please... for us... for me... for Harry... for my baby" she managed to say between her sobs. Eleanor was on the floor crying like a baby. My heart broke more. I carried her to my room, hugged her, and then she fell to sleep.

After few hours the lads came with their girls, happy with the new news. Louis was worried on Eleanor. But she's okay now. The girls talked to her and told her its hard on them too but she will wake up soon. I tried to believe them...

"I want to go and see Darcy, wanna come?" Rose interrupted my thoughts. I nodded and we both walked towards her room. All the lads and the girls visited her, except for Rose because she didn't want to see her best friend laying on the white bed and she can't do anything about it.

But now I'm glad she changed her mine. "I'm proud of you, Rosi" I told her. She chuckled "I don't know what I'm gonna do" I wrapped my arm around her shoulder "You will do fine" I smiled and she tried to smile too.

I can see how hard it is on Rose, she's her best friend. They used to live together, go to school together, eat together, and do everything with together.

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