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4 Years Later

Harry's POV:

"Daddy, daddy, daddy" Madelyn kept repeating Daddy "God Mads, what do you want darling?" I groaned. A cute, funny laugh escaped her lips.

"It's 8 am, and you guys are still asleep" Madelyn simply said "I'm not sleeping baby girl" Darcy's voice filled my ears. "Mummy!" Our daughter ran to Darcy's side and jumped onto her giggling.

"Ready, Harry?" I nodded. We both started to tickle Madelyn, her laughter filled the house making her mum and I die from laughter. My other hand moved to Darcy's waist and tickled it too. 

Hearing my favorite girls laugh was the best thing in the world to me. Actaully they are my everything, I love them to the moon and back and I can't imagine my life without them. You must be asking when did Darcy and I got married and had Madelyn. Well, we got married on February 1, 2014 Yup, on my birthday, because that's what Darcy wanted. We had an amazing wedding, everyone loved it and it was the best day of my life. Months later Darcy got pregnant and we were the happiest parents to be, on earth. Of course the mates and their girlfriends were happy and excited too.

Speaking of the boys, They are all are living a great life. Louis and Eleanor are expecting their second child after 3 months, it's a boy and I think they will name him Kevin, and Ella is doing great. She's going to school now and her 6th bithday party in next week. Zayn and Perrie got married 2 years ago and they have a baby boy also, his name is Ahmad and he is 9 months old. For Liam and Danielle ther are just engaged and they want to have a baby sooner than later, because now most of us have kids and they treat them like their kids and love them so much, so they think it's their turn to be a real parents. Lastly Niall, I know that when he broke up with Rosie he asked Darcy if she can kiss him and she said yes. Actually it wasn't a problem to me because I trust both of them and I know they won't do anything else. But after a while of that they stopped it because Niall's health got better, and he's single still.

Darcy's phone rang she picked it up and answered "Hey El, yeah sure. 1 hour? Okay, bye" she ended the call "What did she said?" I asked, she grinned "All of the boys are coming after 1 hour with the girls and they have a surprise for us" I nodded and helped Darcy to clean the house while Madelyn was watching TV in her room.


"Open the door Maddie, It's your uncles and aunties" She ran to the front door and greeted, Danielle with a big bear hug. Madelyn love Danielle more than the other girls, because she used to take her out with her and do some shopping, and she loves the other girls of couse but not like Danielle.

"I missed you, Lynn" Danielle kissed her forehead "I missed you too aunt Dani" she giggled. 

"What about us, Maddie? Didn't you miss auntie El and Per?" Perrie asked stucking her tongue out. "Of course I missed you both, and I missed all my uncles as well" She gave them all a big hug and kisses. But when she came to Niall, she didn't want to break the hug, because she loves him the most between her uncles. Then she hugged her best friend, Ella Tomlinson.

There was a girl standing behind Niall and she looked so familiar to me "R-Rosie?" Darcy whispered "Surprise?" Rosie said smiling. Darcy ran to Rose and hugged her tight and she was too strong to pick her up and spun her around "I can't believe you are back!" Darcy happy tears were falling on her pink cheeks. "But here I am" Rosie grinned. She came to me and hugged me too "I missed you all so much" 

"We missed you more, Rosie" I chuckled "Madelyn, this is your new auntie, Rosie" Darcy introduced our daughter to Rose. Rose wrapped her arms around her tiny body and hugged her "You are so beautiful, Madelyn" She smiled "Thank you, Auntie Rosie" Madelyn replied and kissed her cheek.

"So Niall are you and Rosie back together?" Darcy asked excitedly Rose blushed "Yes, we are" Niall answered as he glued his hand with Rose's. "What about your kid, Rosie?" She asked again "I don't have one, he died before I could gae birth to him" She smiled sadly. Darcy and I looked at each other as Darcy's eyes started to water "I'm sorry Rosie, I'm so sorry" She hugged her tight. "That's okay, that was long time ago" she smiled sadly again.

We ordered lunch and ate together again, as a family. The house was filled of happenies and laughter and that's what we all wanted. The girls, Madelyn and Ella rushed to Maddie's room to 'play' and Ahmad was playing with Rose.

"Guys, Danielle and I have an announcemen " Liam stood up, and all the attention was on him "Danielle is pergnant" The room went crazy with screams and 'Congratulations' Finally they are having a baby.

"I have an announcement too" Darcy shouted "I'm pregnant as well" I ran to my wife and placed my lips on her "I'm so happy" I whispered against her lips.

"I Love You, Harry"

"I Love You, Darcy"

((((((((((Madelyn picture on the side))))))))))

And now my beautiful friends this story is officially over and I can't believe it! 

A massive thanks to every single one of you for reading my story, I hope you liked it xx

Don't forget to check out my unfinished stories "A Fan Became His Girlfriend" AND "Diana" ALSO




Love you to the moon and back <3 xx

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