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One day

"I'm moving with my boyfriend to his apartment next week, so you have to find a new roommate"

"Wait, what?" (F/N) says astonished.


After her roommate, moved with her boyfriend, (F/N) decide to find a new one, so she post around her college some flyers about the availed room she had. Some days later a man stood in front of her door with a flyer in his hands. He rang the bell and hear some footsteps coming from inside.


(F/N) open the door and saw the man in front of her with a scary look. "Can I help you?" she asked to the man.

"I come for the availed room." The man says directly with no emotion on his face. "Oh, sorry I think the flyer says only female" she said.

"No, it doesn't" the man says back.

"Yeah, it does"

"No, it doesn't. Look" he said showing her the flyer. Then she realized he was right. "Oh dammit, I forgot to write it down" sighing, 'whatever' she tough as she moves from the door to let the man pass.

"Come in" (F/N) says as the man start to remove his shoes and walk inside the apartment, looking around, 'It's big and nice' this one tough. "I'll show around". (F/N) said while walking in front of the man, while this one followed her.

She opens the door to one of the rooms and the man walk inside, while (F/N) lays on the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest. He starts glancing around the room and he stares at her for some seconds. Feeling uncomfortable of him staring at her, she decides to speak firmly "Do you still want to look around?" and this one nodded. "Okay then" turning around and staring to get out of the room, the man followed to the next place.

After finishing of showing him the apartment, it was time of the final decision. "I take it" the man says firmly. "Okay...ehm..." 'crap, I forgot to ask his name' she face palmed mentally.

"You should at least have asked my name before letting me in." he said firmly to the girl.

Sighing and rubbing the back of her neck, she replies "Yeah, sorry... I'm (Full Name)" extending her hand to the man.

"Ushijima Wakatoshi" he said shaking his hand with hers.


Hi! This is my first time writting so I hope you like it! ^o^

Roomies (Ushijima Wakatoshi x FEM!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now