Chapter II

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6:00 am

The sound of the alarm makes Ushijima wake up. Turning it off he sit on the bed and stretch his limbs; standing up he went to the wardrobe and chooses some sport cloth and begin to change.

Steeping out of the apartment he goes downstairs to start warming up his body. After finishing he begin to jog. It was a pretty long route for anybody non-athletic, but for him it was pretty easy. Sometime later he just finishes his jog and start to stretch his (amazing) muscles.

6:30 am

After stretching he went upstairs to take a refreshing shower. Ending his shower, he put some clean cloths. Going to the kitchen to begin to make breakfast for him and (F/N). He could hear (F/N)'s alarm, at least he knows that he doesn't need to wake her up, he wasn't going to do it anyways, and he start to make breakfast.

6:45 am

Hearing her alarm, (F/N) didn't want to wake up of her sleeping and she turn it off and went back to sleep. Of course knowing this, she has a second alarm to wake her up 10 minutes after the first one.

10 minutes has passed and the alarm sounded. She wakes up with a lazy aura around her. After a big yaw and stretching her limbs she stands up and went to the bathroom to do her morning routine.

While (F/N) was finishing her shower, Ushijima was finishing breakfast.

After her routine and a warn shower, she went to her room, just with her towel on, to dress herself.

While Ushijima was putting the table, (F/N) was finishing dressing.

7:05 am

(F/N) step out of her room dressed and went to the kitchen. "Good morning". She said with a lazy tone. "Good morning" Ushijima greeted back and the both of them sat down, in the chair, to eat. Putting hands together with chopstick in between, "Thanks for the food" the both of them said at the same time and begin to eat the breakfast.

After finishing breakfast, they did the dishes and went to bush their teeth, somedays they brushed together somedays no.

7:20 am

The both of them were ready to head to college, which was only 20 minutes walking. Most of the time they walked together in silence, sometimes they have small talks, but of course there are times when one goes out of the house first, Ushijima, and leave behind the other, (F/N).

7:50 am

Already in the big building, both says their 'see ya later' or 'bye' and went to their respective classroom. Most of their first classes begins at 8:00 am and sometimes they ended at 12:45 or 3:00 pm with a break for lunch.

They didn't have any classes together, so they don't see each other on the rest of the day, until dinner. There were a few days when they see each other at the cafeteria, but it was just a glance and that's all. Right now, they were going to start their classes. It was 8:00 am.

Time Skip

1:10 pm

Today, (F/N) didn't have more classes for the day, same with Ushijima. She was already walking to the cafeteria to get something to eat before heading to the library for her studies and homework, if she has any. Already in the line to get lunch, with her corner of her (E/C) eyes she could see her roommate entering in the cafeteria with some other guy, but she just ignored and continue with what she was doing.

Ordering her food and paying for it she went to a table to eat alone, for today, there were somedays were she eats with her classmates. Finishing her food, she stands up and started walking out of the cafeteria to the library. Ushijima saw her leaving, but he didn't care, he just kept eating his food.

(F/N) was at the library doing her stuff, while Ushijima perhaps was getting ready for volleyball practice.

3:00 pm

After a session of studying and homework, (F/N) decide to go home to get some rest. She picked up her stuff, put them in her bag and started walking to leave the building. Ushijima was at volleyball practice.

3:30 pm

Already at home, (F/N) decides to take a good nap, she put the alarm so she can start doing dinner before her roommate arrives.

4:45 pm

Her alarm wakes her up from the nap. Struggling to wake herself up, somehow she manages to do it. (F/N) knowing that her roommate will be home soon, she put something comfortable, takes her phone, wallet and keys and went to the nearest store to buy something for dinner. After it, she put her stuff on the table, tied her hair in a ponytail and begin to make dinner.

Meanwhile in the college's gym, the volleyball team was finishing practice, they were doing some serves before ending it. Finishing everything; picking up balls, stretching the muscles and cleaning the gym; the boys of the team were ready to go to their houses, others went to work or do other stuff. Ushijima, after changing himself, was walking to the gates with his bags and heading home, there are days where he stays more time in practice, but not today because he has stuff to do.

5:25 pm

(F/N) finished making dinner and stared to put the table, she hears the door open, knowing who is, "I'm back" Ushijima says, with his deep voice. "Welcome back" the girl replies. "Dinner is ready", the male nodded in response, going to his room to put his bags and returning to the kitchen to eat.

After finishing eating, they did dishes and (F/N) went to her room to change, while Ushijima sits on the couch to rest the food.

5:55 pm

(F/N) came out of her room and went to the kitchen, she drinks some water and start walking to the door. "I'm leaving for work, see ya" the girl says opening the door, Ushijima just hummed in response and begin to do his stuff for the rest of the night.

6:45 pm

It's always a long way from (F/N)'s apartment to her work, but somehow she manages to make it in time. She was early for her shift to begin, so after changing into her work's cloth, she rested a bit before start working.

11:00 pm

It was the hour to close the establishment and (F/N) went to change into her normal cloth after helping cleaning the place. The 'good work' were exchanged between colleagues while they are leaving, same with (F/N), which stared to head home fast as she could.

When (F/N) was returning home, Ushijimas was already getting ready to sleep.

11:55 pm

Almost midnight, the (E/C) eyed girl made it home safe. She went to her room and changed into her pajamas. She put the two alarms and went to sleep. Of course, Ushijima was already asleep.

Then again, the routine repeats....


I don't know the schedule of Japanese's college, so I used the same as one of my country. 

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