Chapter III

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Appliances issues

It's been almost two months since Ushijima lives with (F/N) and they get along for the moment, nothing bad have happened among them. Everyday it's almost the same, nothing has changed.

One day after classes, (F/N) decide to leave early, because she wanted to have a rest after three days of exams. Already at home, she took off her shoes and dropped her bag on the floor and she went to lay on the couch with her phone and begin to do her stuff. Without noticing she falls asleep in the position she was and her phone on the floor.

After a long nap, she wakes up and looked at the hour on her clock '4:55 pm'. Then she got up of the couch and went to the refrigerator to find something to make for dinner. Opening the fridge and looking inside it, she realizes that there was something weird. Opening the freezer door, she felt the same weird feeling. She put her hand to her chin and begin to think what was wrong looking the refrigerator up and down.

(F/N) decide to put her hand inside the freezer for some seconds and realizes that it wasn't cooling. It wasn't the same cold like before. She did the same with the fridge and it was the same.

News: The refrigerator is damage.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" (F/N) says angry, giving a light kick to the refrigerator. How she didn't know what to do she decides to call the landlady and tell her about it. Why the landlady? Because when (F/N) bought the apartment, the refrigerator was included, so it was in part the landlady problem too.

She takes her phone and dialed her number, waiting a few seconds, the woman picks up, and after that it was a long evening, because the two women were arguing about this issue.

An hour later...

Walking to his apartment, Ushijima stood in front of the door and before he could put the key in the lock he could hear (F/N) yelling. 'What's going on?' he tough, so he put the key in the lock and open the door, he took of his shoes "I'm back" he said and got no answer just the yells of (F/N). Walking to the kitchen he saw (F/N) talking, well more like yelling, to the phone.

"YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAG, I'LL DEAL WITH IT MYSELF!" the girl yell to the phone and finished the call. Then she took a sit on one of the kitchen chairs and she breath out. She didn't realize that her roommate was already at home. "Did something happen?" Ushijima ask to the girl. (F/N) jumped at bit of the sudden voice, sighing she answer him "Yeah, the refrigerator isn't cooling". Hearing this the male walks to the refrigerator to check it himself. Yep, it's not cooling.

"Do you talk to the landlady?" he asks.

"Talk? More like arguing about it for almost more than an hour."

"What does she said?"

"Making the story short, she says it's our problem no hers". (F/N) stands up and went for some water, an almost cold water, at the fridge. "So what are you going to do?". Almost spilling her water and gulping it she said "I think I said that is 'OUR' problem, or am I wrong?" glaring at him. He stayed quiet for some seconds and then sighed "Okay then, what are WE going to do?".

"I have no idea. Should we find someone to fix it or buy a new one?" (F/N) said looking at his roommate. They stay thinking about it for a time looking at the refrigerator. "I think is better to buy a new one." Ushijima says "Like that, we don't have to worry if it broke again." (F/N) just simple nodded to him. "Yeah it's better, but do we have enough money for it?" the room stayed in silence again.

Trying to break the silence, (F/N) speaks "I have some savings, but I'm not going to use them all to buy a new refrigerator." Mentally sighing Ushijima said "Then, we can pay half and half" he looks at the (H/C) haired girl "Yeah, I think it's better that way so when do we go, Saturday morning?" (F/N) returned the look. "I have practice in the morning, it could be after it. You don't have work on Saturday right?"

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