Thank you!❤️~Dai'Sha

12.4K 372 37

Hey guys its Dai'Sha and i would like to thank everyone for our

10,000k reads and


This is really big for me and Cristina, I mean we are basically little girls in a small town lol.

It's really amazing. Thank you everyone!!!

Also i would like to tell you guys a little story of my first book on Wattpad.
It was called the "The Missing." I loved that book and I published it and I got so much negativity about how I was only 12 and How I was a sick person. So I delete it.

It hurts to see people drag other people down.

My partner aka best friend, Cristina Tovar. It fills me with joy to you guys loving our book and getting all into the story and hating Brenda.

Sally (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now