Chapter 1: Birthday

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(A/n:Angela is 13 years old, her picture is on there)

"Happy birthday Angela!" yelled Angela's family surrounding her. Angela has brown hair with hazel eyes that are covered with big round funny looking turtle shell glasses.

She smiled and looked down at the chocolate cake that had her name written in pink.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish!"

Angela thought about it for a minute and then said in her head "What I really want is a doll. Not a barbie, but a real one." She knew that dolls were for babies but she didn't care.

Ever since she was younger she had wanted one but they never had any money like they do now.

She closed her eyes and blew the candles out.

Everyone cheered. Her mother named Brenda pushed through the crowd and hugged Angela. Her dad Scott just smiled and said "Congratulations kiddo."

He never really said her name, he always called her kiddo. "Present time!" exclaimed Brenda. Angela smiled and sat in the middle of the table.

Her relatives all sat around her. "Me first!" yelled Brenda in excitement. She hands Angela a present.

Angela opened the present to find that inside of it was a diamond iPhone 6s case.

Angela sat there silently with a frown on her face and then Brenda frowns too. "You don't like it?" she asked.

"I like it but I don't have a phone..."





SNATCH! The mother snatched it out of her weak little hands."Well let's not let it go to waste." she said as she put the phone case on her phone. "Oh and look. It fits perfectly! What a coincidence."

Everyone looked at her. "WHAT?" she asked. "It's not my fault she doesn't have a phone."

Everyone stayed silent. Then her grandma said "Why don't you open mine. I promise it will be for you." She slowly walked over and gave it to her.

Angela opened it and took out a jewelry box. She opened the box to find a necklace with an angel on it.

Her grandmother spoke up and said "This angel will protect through your darkest times."

Angela hugged her grandma and said "Thank you." After they let go of each other, Brenda sighed loudly.

Angela glanced at her mom and Brenda rolled her eyes and stormed to the kitchen.

Scott noticed the tears in her eyes as he walked passed Angela. He looked at Brenda. "Maybe it would be nice if you actually got her a present that was for her."

Brenda wasn't even listening to what he was saying. She was too busy looking at "Angela's" new phone case.

Scott went in kitchen to see Angela sitting at the table. Scott walked over to her.

Angela sniffed and looked up. "Mom does this every year and it hurts every time. Can't she just pretend that she cares?" She began to cry harder.

Scott hugged Angela and said, "Listen, everything will turn around one day and everything will be back to the way it was. I promise."

Angela smiled. "Ok Dad I love you." Scott smiled. "I love you too. Now why don't you come into the living room with us."

Angela laughed. "Okay."


After her party, Angela went to her room. It was very simple. The room had a blue background because Scott and Brenda were expecting a boy. Angela's name was going to be Angelo until Brenda found out that it was a girl and changed the name.

But that didn't stop Scott, he still did activities with Angela. One time they went to the summer little league for girls 4 years ago.

Angela loved baseball until she couldn't make any teams and no one wanted to be her friend, so she decide to quit.

Angela changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth. Once she was done, she layed down in bed. She slowly closed her eyes with a yawn. Scott walked in. "It's time for bed."

She yawned again. "Ok Dad." Scott sat in the seat next to Angela's bed. Scott tucked her in. "Go to bed, you have school tomorrow."

Angela frowned a little. She HATED school so much. No one talked to her and she didn't even have one friend. Scott kissed her forehead and left the room as he turned off the lights.

Angela wasn't ready for school. Maybe she could call in sick or say something happened but she couldn't. She didn't want to miss any extra days.

She slowly closed her eyes went to sleep.

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