Chapter 13

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Willa climbed into the car and buckled up. She was on her way to pick Philby up from the airport. She was excited, this year had been brutal. They were used to seeing each other every single day, being in constant contact and working side by side, being the brain of the Keepers. The transition from that to what they were now was wreaking havoc on their relationship. Pain squeezed her heart, despite her love for the Disney and fairytales she had always been a bit more on the cynical side. Her head was telling her that no matter what they tried her and Philby were going to fail, but her heart refused to give up, she simply loved him to much. She exhaled loudly and groaned. She needed to get out of her head, she needed to see Philby. Turning up her music she kept driving.


"So this is Sarah, Tyler, Mike and Elisa!" Willa introduced her friends to Philby. They all exchanged greetings

"So," Willa said "I was thinking we could show you around campus and give you the tour, and then we could go get dinner some place!"

"That's sounds good to me." Philby said.

"Good!" Willa said smiling and grabbing Philby's hand.

They all walked the campus, Willa explaining all the buildings to Philby and pointing out her favorite spots. She showed Philby all the places she knew he would appreciate, like the amazing tech lab and computer science building. It was getting dark by the time they had settled at a cozy cafe for dinner. Willa was seated between Philby and Tyler. Sarah, Mike and Elisa were on the other side.
"So Philby, what's Imagineering School like?" Elisa asked.

"It's incredible!" Philby said enthusiastically "It's a very intensive learning process but it really shows how serious Disney is about being the best at what they do."

"Do you do a lot computer stuff?" Asked Mike, who was a computer science major.

The two of them began to talk to animatedly about computers. Tyler leaned over to whisper in Willa's ear.

"Mike has found a fellow nerd...I mean another nerd, he knew you first..."

Willa laughed softly,

"You wish you were as nerdy as we are" she whispered, looking at Philby, smiling. Tyler laughed a little, his eyes following her. When he saw her intense look that she was directing towards her perfect British boyfriend he looked away. Sarah caught his look and raised her eyebrows. He refused to look at her.

"What did you think?" Willa asked Philby later when they were alone. Philby was staying with Mike who didn't have a roomate. Mike had left to get some extra blankets and Willa was saying goodnight to Philby.

"I like it. It seems like a good school." Philby said a little absently.

"What's wrong, you seem preoccupied."

"You seem pretty close to that Tyler guy." Philby blurted out.

"Philby, we're friends." Willa stated.

"Seems to me like he wishes you were more that." Philby muttered.

"Philby, really? We're are just friends. I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm in love with you." Willa said emphatically."

"I know you know that. I wish he would get the clue!" Philby said "I saw the way he was whispering in your ear and made sure he sat next you."

"Philby! Did you notice how I made sure to sit next to you! I love you. Stop freaking out about this! It's not like you to be jealous."

"I'm not jealous."Philby said disgusted "I'm just aware, and making sure you are too."

Willa rolled her eyes.

"I'm leaving, goodnight. Hopefully tomorrow you'll be feeling less like a jerk." Willa said turning and slamming the door.

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