Chapter 20

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Willa made her way up the stairs listening to Charlene chatter about the premier. They went to their room and changed into comfy clothes.

"What's wrong, didn't you have fun?" Charlene asked.

"I did. It's just, seeing Philby was hard..."


Willa sighed. "I guess I thought I was over him, but I'm not, and seeing him tonight made me realize that."

" should tell him." Charlene said sympathetically.

"No...he's with someone else. I just have to get over this."

"You mean keep feeling sorry for yourself." Charlene said bluntly.

"What!?" Willa said looking offended.

"Seriously Willa, you broke up with him, but I honestly don't understand why. You are obviously still in love with him and I'm sorry for whatever girl he's with now, because he is still head over heels for you."

"You don't know anything! He doesn't care! We broke up for a reason." Willa said defensively.

"What reason? Please Willa, give me the real reason why you broke up! I saw the way you were looking at each other tonight, it can't be from lack of spark!" Charlene said raising her voice.

"You just don't understand!" Willa cried. "We couldn't communicate, every time we got together it was just fights and frustration. Someone once told me the key to a long distance relationship was communication and we just can't seem to manage that!"

"So you gave up?" Charlene asked desperately.

"You don't understand." Willa repeated.

"You're right, make me understand! Show me why you let real love slip through your fingers, why did you give up?"

"I didn't give up! I don't think it was true love Char, it may have been at one time...but if it was love we would been able to figure it out!"

"Willa..." Charlene calming down "If true love exists, it's between you and Philby, seriously. It's you and Philby, you are always going to fight, it's in your DNA, but the two of you's so perfect."

Charlene sighed and sat down on the couch.

"Sorry for getting so's's you and Philby, if you can't make it work, who can?" She asked. "I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, just think about why you broke up, okay?" Charlene said looking into Willa's eyes.

Willa nodded, tears starting to pool in her eyes. She went out the balcony and stood leaning against the railing. The warm night air wrapped around her like a blanket. A tear escaped and started to roll down her cheek. Charlene was right. She had quit at the relationship and she was still in love with Philby. Willa smiled through her tears, she didn't think that there would ever be a time when she didn't carry around a piece of him in her heart. Was it worth it? She stared off into the distance, looking over the horizon and her mind wandered. She thought about all the moments when they were in sync, when they didn't need words to communicate with each other. She thought of all the late nights talking for hours. She thought of all the Keeper missions when they risked their lives for each other. And then she thought of the past three months of painful seperation. The past months of picking up her phone tell Philby something only to realize that she couldn't do that anymore. She thought of the pain, the sharp stabbing pain she felt every time she thought of him with another girl. Nothing was worse than that pain. Charlene was right, she had let go of her chance at true love. She wiped the tears that had slipped down her cheeks. She needed to finally talk to Philby.

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