Chapter 7

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Hey, it's Philby, leave me a message. Willa sighed. She hadn't been able to reach him all day. She knew he was busy, but besides the occasional text they hadn't talked in three days. It was early December now and she was trying to finalize details for their Christmas plans.

"Hey Dell, it's me. Call me sometime soon okay"

She buried her face into her pillow. This was much harder than she thought. They had so well planned in the beginning of the year, but as they both got busier she was finding it harder than ever to find time to do more than send a text, a text that sometimes Philby didn't respond to until hours later. She flopped down and groaned.

" What's wrong with you?" Elisa asked coming into the room.

"Nothing, I just haven't been able to actually talk to Philby in a few days and I'm frustrated..." She admitted.

"Oh. That sucks. Well! Come out with me and get your mind off of it" Elisa said enthusiastically.

"I don't know...I don't really feel like going out right now."

"Come on Willa, you haven't done anything but go to class in weeks, come and have some fun!"

Willa sighed, it was true. Elisa was always inviting her to go out, but she always said no. Maybe it would be good to get out.

"Okay fine. Where are going? And can I wear this?" Willa gestured to her University sweatshirt and yoga pants.

" A party, and absolutely not!" Elisa exclaimed. "Come on let's get you looking nice!"


Willa looked out of the window apprehensivly as they pulled up to a junior's house off campus. Elisa parked and jumped out and started walking towards the house that was throbbing with loud music and people's voices.

"Wait! Elisa," Willa yelled and ran to catch up. Elisa stopped and turned around. "What kind of party is this, I'm not a partyer!!"

"Willa, chill. It's going to be fun, nothing bad is going on!" She said reassuringly.

" Okay..." Willa said still unsure. She had never partied in highschool. She not only wasn't interested, but the Keepers had kept her so busy she never had the time. She followed Elisa into the house. The music blared loudly. To loudly for her tastes. She pushed her way through the crowds of people dancing and talking. Elisa met up with a large group of friends, Willa recognized a few of them but there were mostly new faces. Elisa made a vague general introduction and Willa smiled and waved. The conversation moved on to other things, Willa edged her way to the wall and hung back feeling uncomfortable.

" Hey," she heard a voice say in her direction. She turned to see a dark boy say to her.

"Do I know you?" He asked.

"No, not that I know of..." She said, not recognizing him in the least.

"Wait, I've got it, are you, one of those Disney hologram guides?" He said with a look that said he already knew.

" Yes, I am." Willa said slightly annoyed.

"I just wanted to know if I was right, have you been here all semester? I haven't seen you around. I'm Tyler, by the way"

"I'm Willa, and I've been here all year." she said apologetically.

"Do want a drink?" He asked

"No thanks, I'm much of a drinker."

"A coke than?"

"Fine, anything to get away from this wall."

They walked into the kitchen which was less crowded. Tyler lead her to a table with a punk looking blonde girl and a Asian boy.

" Hey guys, this is Willa! Willa, this is Sarah and Mike." They both smiled and said hello.

She said hi and took a seat. Ot didnt take long for them take long for them to start talking like old friends. Willa looked up in surprise as Elisa plunked down.

"I have no interest in beer pong." She explained.

They laughed and nodded. The night passed with lots of talking and fun. Willa was delighted by this new group. She was enjoying herself so much she didn't hear her phone ringing and completely missed Philby's call.

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