Chapter 12

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Willa read the text from Philby. She checked the time, she could Skype for a little while. She texted back

Yes! I'll call you as soon as I get to my room.

She rushed back to her room, the cold February air nipping her cheeks. She sat down at her desk and opened up her laptop. Opening Skype she called Philby. It took a minute before he picked up.

"Hey!" She smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back. Talking on the phone and texting was one thing, but seeing his face and voice was so much better. They talked for almost an hour, they talked about all the things they were doing at college, they helped each other with homework and difficult equation and shared ridiculous stories.

"Hey, you should visit sometime soon!" Philby said leaning back in his desk chair.

"I can look at my calendar," Willa said getting up. She looked over the dates. "I don't know Philby, it will be hard for me to get away anytime before Spring break..."

"Oh. I guess we can wait till then?" He said regretfully.

"Or, I have this amazing idea. You could visit me! I have yet to show you my next of the woods." She suggested hopefully.

"I don't know Wills..."

"Come on Philby, I've gone halfway across the country to visit you. You've never come to visit me. Can't you come just this once, please?" Willa pleaded half hopeful, half irritated.

"Well...I don't have classes on Monday the 12th so, maybe that weekend I could fly out?" He said.

"That would be amazing..." she smiled.

"Okay I'll get the ticket, I just don't want Charlene to kill me for being a bad boyfriend. " He joked.

She laughed and they began to talk about other things.


"So we finally get to meet him!?" Elisa exclaimed. They had all gotten together for pizza and Willa. announced that Philby would be visiting the next weekend.

"That's awesome! Wait, I don't think I've ever seen a picture or anything, what does he even look like?" Sarah asked.

"He's a Kingdom Keeper. Have you really never seen him?" Elisa asked

"Do look like someone who's knows all about Disney? No offense Willa" Sarah smiled.

Elisa huffed a little and Willa just laughed and pulled out her phone to find a good picture of them together. Her camera roll was full of photos so it didn't take her long to find a selfie of them she had snapped over Christmas break. She passed the phone to Sarah.

"Willa, he's cute!" She exclaimed. "You guys are cute!"

"I can't wait to finally meet! So how did guys start dating??" Elisa asked excitedly.

" Well, it's a long story..." Willa started.

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