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I walked into the guild only to dodge a fire ball heading towards me "Sorry Lucy-san" I looked to Romeo who was saying sorry over and over again, I walked up to him "It's ok, I didn't get hurt" " Phew Natsu would've killed me if he found out I hurt you" he said, I blushed, would he? "Oh Lucy! Look at this trick I just learnt" Romeo said while doing something with fire.

I just stared at the fire, that looks tasty, I want to eat it "Lucy why are you drooling"I snapped out of my trance when Levy came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder "huh? Oh nothing... I gotta go" I said and walked to my usual table and sat down and started to read.

I was reading for about two hours when I decided it was about time I go to the hospital, so I got up and left the guild walking to the hospital.

Once I got to the hospital I put my name down and patiently waited for my name to be called.

------Time Skip------

"Lucy Heartfilla, room 214, please"

I got up and walked into the direction of room 214. I got to the door and walked in and sat down in the chair and once again waited for the doctor to come in.

"Hello Lucy my name is Dr Woods"said a nice looking lady in a white coat.She had pink hair and blue eyes "So what's wrong"

"I've been feeling different lately"I replied.

"How so?"she asked a curious look on her face.

"Well I've been vomiting in the mornings, dizziness, constant peeing and odd cravings" I told her.

"Lucy have you had any sexual intercourse lately" I blushed "U..Umm y..yes"I stammered.

"Lucy can you pee in the container and give it to me when your done, bathrooms that way"she said pointing to a door in the room.

I walked in and did my business and walked out giving Dr Woods the container, totally embarrassed by the situation.

"Ok just wait here until the results come back in" she said and walked out of the room.

------Time Skip------

So it's been forever and I've been playing with the doctor tools they use until I got bored.

Finally Dr Woods walked through the door with a wide smile on her face, I wonder why?

"Congratulations your pregnant!"

With those three words my world came crashing down, I can't be....what am I going to do, Natsu can't find out it'll ruin his life.

"Will do a couple more tests then you can go"the doctor said.

------Time Skip------

It was like one in the afternoon when I got out of the hospital and headed home. As soon as I got inside I had a shower to wash my worries away.

It didn't work, so I summon Virgo "Yes Hime-Sama" "I have a feeling you already know whats wrong so can you start packing up my belongings, I don't think I can live here anymore" I asked her "Of course Hime-Sama"

Once Virgo was done I went to bed waiting for tomorrow to come.


I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun shining through my windows. I got up and got dress heading straight to the guild, Virgo already took my belongings to the celestial world and I already told my landlord to keep my apartment if I ever return.

I walked through the guild doors and walked up to the request bored, finding a request about some bandits and it has a good pay. I'll just find a job in the town I'm going to live in.

I walked up to Mira holding out the request "Hey Mira I'm taking this job" "Ok good luck Lucy" I quickly waved at her and walked out on of the guild heading towards my new life.

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