Igneel Heartfilla

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I woke up to the sound of crying, I got up and walked into the twins room seeing Nashi sound asleep but Igneel was crying.

I picked him up and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch trying to calm down Igneel.

Slowly he calmed down and fell asleep, unlike Nashi, Igneel has blond hair and red eyes, I named him after Igneel the fire dragon.

Igneel was less fussy then Nashi, he was mostly quiet and good, but I haven't found out if he got my powers or Natsu's, unlike Nashi he hadn't shown signs of magic but I do know he has some, the doctor said so.

??? POV
"Sir they have been born should we act now or what till there older" my assistant said

"Wait...lets just watch them for now" I replied laughing out loud. I finally get the power I've desired for so long and then I can get my revenge for once and all.

I wonder what I should do maybe I'll wait till Natsu meets them before I slowly tear him apart bit by bit.

Fairy Tail will get what they deserve especially Nastu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilla, they ruined my life.

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