Im Sorry

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Natsu's POV
"IGNEEELLLL!!!" I heard Lucy yell over the chaos. I looked around frantically, trying to see if I could see Igneel. When I spot him, I see him in the arms of Ryo.

My baby boy was struggling against his hold and crying his eyes out. I started to run towards Ryo when he started to run towards the guild doors.

I chased after him following him down streets and alleyways "Daddy!!! Help me!!" I heard my son call out to me.

I ran faster determined to get my son back. I ran out of the alleyway and couldn't see Ryo or my son anywhere.

I fell to the ground crying, I lost my son, what will Lucy think of me "ILL KILL YOU!!" I got back up and ran to the guild, I had to tell Lucy.

But I promise Igneel...I will find you and bring you back. I arrived at the guild doors and stormed in, everyone was either cleaning up the mess left behind or wrapping their injuries.

Wait...what? Shouldn't Wendy be healing everyone? Where's Lucy!? I walked up to Gray and grabbed his shoulder making him turn around "Where's Lucy" I asked frantically.

"She's in the infirmary in the middle of surgery"he said "Why? What happened" I asked worried about what he was going to say.

"Ryo stabbed her, while she was protecting Igneel...Wendy's up there operating on her along with Carla, Master and Mira" he replied.

(Play Song)

"Daddy! Where's Mummy and Igneel?" Nashi said running up to me and hugging my legs. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms.

"Igneels gone somewhere...Safe? And Mummy's very sick so she's sleeping" I said unsure of what to say.

"Daddy I'm not an idiot like you are"she says looking at me with her warm chocolate eyes she revived from Lucy, I was stunned at what she said.

------1 Hour Later------

The whole guild was waiting either, outside the infirmary or at the bar. The kids where playing around and trying to cheer up Nashi considering she lost her brother and hopefully isn't losing her mother.

I was looking at Nashi when that sneaky son of Grays, snuck up to Nashi and kissed her cheek.

"That's it Storm, go for it" Gray cheered "Your encouraging this behaviour" I yelled at Gray "It's so cute though, plus I don't have to be worried my son is a guy, it's the daughters you have to watch out for..... Flame brain" he smirked "I kill you for saying that Ice princess" I smirked evilly.

Before I hit Ice princess, I heard the faint sound of the heart beat going flat and the sounds of yelling. Tears streamed down my face and it wasn't just me it seems like everyone heard it, including Nashi.

Nashi was just like Lucy so she figured it out pretty quickly, her tears that were streaming down her face broke my heart.

I ran to her and fell to the ground pulling my baby into a hug. I not only lost Lucy today but Igneel and I couldn't help but feel it was all my fault.

"Daddy we have to find Igneel or Mummy won't be happy" she cried out wrapping her tiny arms around my neck. I got up with Nashi in my hands "THATS IT" I yelled catching everyone's attention as they all faced me "WE WILL AVENGE LUCY AND GET MY SON BACK. GOT THAT, LUCY WAS AN IMPORTANT MEMBER OF THIS GUILD!" I shouted.

" Aye Sir!" Everyone in the guild replied back, throwing their hands in the air.

"You Know Natsu, you will need help" I turned around and saw Sting and behind him was Rouge and Cobra.

"I guess, I could use some help" I answered "Good because we brought backup" Cobra said gesturing behind him.

I walked out side and saw Mermaid Heel, Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus.

"We're here to help, just tell us what to do" each guild master said.

"Where do I start".....

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