Finding Igneel

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Third Person POV
It's been three months since Lucy died. It's been three months since Igneel was taken and it's been three months and still nothing.

They couldn't find a thing.

Natsu's POV
I finally put Nashi to sleep, she's been quite restless since her mum or brother isn't here. I promised her three months ago I would find him but we came up with nothing.

Well we did came up with something, apparently Ryo's gang is made up of about four ex-dark guilds including Phantom Lord.

That's why we gathered Mermaid Heel, Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus. I went to my room and started thinking about how Lucy's funeral will go. We won't go through with it until Igneel comes back.

Her body is in a coffin at the church being kept safe until we have her funeral.

I soon fell asleep with those thoughts flying through my head.


The next morning I woke up to Nashi's crys for Lucy. It's been like this every morning.

I got up walking to Nashi's room and opening the door seeing her sitting up tears streaming down her face.

"Morning Nashi" I said quietly "Daddy I want Igneel to come home-" she said looking at me "-and I want mummy to come home too"

"Sorry baby girl but mummy is going to her new home where she will be happy and play with her new friends" I said, I mean how do you explain to a four year old that your mum died.

"Let's go to the guild" I said as I got up to get ready. I'll just have breakfast at the guild.

Me and Nashi walked out of the house hand in hand and walked to the guild, as soon as we walked in Nashi ran up to Storm her best friend since Lucy died and Igneel got taken.

"Natsu!!! Big news we found where Igneel is" I heard Wendy say "You gotta be joking" "Yep it's true"Erza said smiling proudly.

"Well where is he" I asked excited at the news I was receiving "Where Cait Shelter used to be" Wendy said.

"Well what are we waiting for let's gather a small team to go scope out the area and figure out the best attack plan" I yelled at everyone who was listening.

"Ok but Natsu before you say anything else Lucy told me something before she passed away-"Mira paused taking a deep breath "-She said the reason they took Igneel was because Ryo knows this spell where you can absorb someone's magic to make yourself stronger" she said as she finished talking.

"What kind of magic does he have" I asked "Summoning magic, he's even powerful enough to summon a Titan. That's the reason he has such a large gang not because of strength but because he craves power" Erza replied.

"Well that's funny because I finally learnt how to control the END book" I said as a matter-of-factly.

They all gasped at what I said " How?" They shouted " Lucy that's how"I said as I smiled remembering my dream.

They looked at me confused as if saying 'we'll explain it to us' "I had a dream a couple of nights ago and it was of Lucy and the 12 Zodiac Spirits and the Zodiac King and the King explained how the END book works" I said showing of my famous enough toothy grin.

"Well then let's figure who's going to scope out the gangs territory" Erza said.

That same night we went to Ryo's camp sight also known as ex-Cait shelter and figured out how we were going to attack them.


Omg this book is almost finished about 1-2 more chapters left but don't worry there will be a sequel.

But before I post the sequel I was going to finish of my Gale story and publish my new story it's another FairyTail Fanfition but I won't tell you what ship it is because that's a secret.

Xx _winter_princess_

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