The Fire Celestail Dragon Slayer

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"Were should I start" I nervously laughed " Well after I staged my death and left and gave birth to Nashi and Igneel, I got a note about a year after they're birth, the letter said 'I'm coming for you, I'll get my revenge for what you and Natsu Dragneel did to me' I got worried and moved but I felt like I was being watched everywhere I went, then when the twins turned 2 and a half, the people after me broke in my house and started talking about some plan and they needed ........."

Lucy's POV
"Igneel" I barley whispered but by the looks they were giving me, I knew they heard me. I turn to Master to continue "He is special...He's more powerful then Natsu" "How so?" Master said looking nervous probably because he can barley control Natsu's powers "He's what you call a hybrid Mage because he is a mix of both mine and Natsu's powers. He is called a Fire Celestial Dragon Slayer" I turned to face Natsu looking nervous.

"But when I was taking care of them Igneel said he had no powers, how come he said that?"Natsu questioned. I laughed a little then sighed "I sealed he's powers away, three days after he was born" I replied, the guild looked shocked, surprised and more.

"That's impossible! You have to be a dragon slayer or an extremely powerful mage" Levy yelled out.

"Right about that, I still haven't told you everything yet"I said before taking a deep breathe and continuing "Well turns out when you give birth to twin dragon can gain dragon slayer magic but I only know simple spells"I said laughing a little at how funny I made it sound.

"Any other surprises you want to spring on me, first of I have kids, then Igneels powers, then you gained dragon slayer magic and there's also the gang after us" Natsu yelled out frustrated, running his hands through his hair.

I looked at him.
And looked at him.
And laughed so hard my stomach hurt.

The guild looked at me like I was crazy, until I stopped laughing "Sorry it's just, it feels wired to finally got this of my chest" I said feeling warm water falling down my face. I touched my cheek feeling the warm tears flowing down my face.

I then felt Natsu's strong arms wrap around me and his large hands combing threw my hair "Let's go home" he said. I then remembered about my apartment I left behind "What about my apartment" I asked "Oh the landlord lady put your apartment up for rent when she heard about your 'death'" Natsu replied.

"Where will me and my kids live? I have no jewels left" Natsu looked at me like I was an idiot and said "Um...duh with me, if you have noticed I helped in making those two"he pointed at Nashi and Igneel playing with the other kids.

I nodded at him happy he accepts them. I walked to Nashi and Igneel "We have to go home ok"I said bending down to their height "But what about daddy?" they asked me "We are going home with him" I replied and grabbing both of their hands and walking over to Natsu who was at the guild doors.

We walked out and me and Nastu were talking about what has happened in the past 5 years, which was a lot pretty much everyone had kids.

Nashi was on Natsu's shoulders and I was carrying Igneel, his little head laying on my shoulder because he was tired.

We kept walking and talking stopping to buy food for dinner.

Mira's POV
Yay after 5 years my Nalu can finally happen,
I thought as I followed them home taking family photos for the wedding which WILL happen.

"Mira leave them alone were going home" Laxus said coming out of no where "Never" I said and as soon as I said that I felt myself being lifted up and thrown over a shoulder.

And I started screaming saying I needed to take photos for my Nalu wedding album.

Lucy's POV
As we were walking we heard screams and we turned around and looked at Laxus who had Mira slung over his shoulder behind a bush, Mira was screaming something about her 'Nalu wedding album'.

"Well I'll take her home, you have a nice day then" Laxus said turning around with a struggling Mira trying to take photos of us.

We both sweat dropped -_-' and turned back around to the direction of Natsu's house.

I might not update for awhile because I have major writers block hopefully it will go away I just need some inspiration


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