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The kids are 4 years old but Lucy has been gone for 5 years because the first year was when she was pregnant.

Just so you know.


Lucy's POV

******Skip 5 Years******

It's been five years and my two little babies are four. They can walk, talk and eat...a lot -_-

Right now I'm in my new house in the living room playing with my little girl and watching my little boy playing with some blocks.

Then I heard it the banging on the door, how could they found us so fast I only just got here "Nashi, Igneel quickly go to the secret door we need to go now" I ushered them into the emergency door and locked it behind them.

"We found you again...Now give us what we want"said one of the gang members who where after us "Never" I yelled and did my famous Lucy kick, then ran out the back door.

I saw my two babies running into the bush hiding away from the men "Come on we need to go to the train station" I said to them and picked Igneel up and held Nashi's hand.

Lucky I bought a house near the station. We ran until we arrived hoping onto the train leading to Magnolia, I never knew I would ever return.

We sat down in a sit and Nashi and Igneel feel asleep. The train ride would take about a day or two to get to Magnolia.

******Time Skip Two Days******

When we got of the train it was pouring down and then I spotted them seems like they knew I would come here.

I picked up both of my kids and ran I had to make it to the guild or else they win but I could hardly run through this rain without tripping and I could already feel Nashi and Igneel shivering.

I need to run faster I turned around to see if they were still there and they weren't but I knew better so I ran harder, my legs burning.

I then saw the guild in the distance I was finally getting closer, no more running I could get help...but do I want help because if I go to them, I'll have to explain. I stopped running deciding if I should go or not.

"Mummy I'm cold"I looked down at Igneel and my mind was made up. I'm going to the guild, they deserve to know, Natsu deserves to know.

With that I ran faster leading to safety knowing I was safe with my family no matter how long I was gone I know that they will protect me because that's what FairyTail does best.

I got to the guild doors and hesitated before opening them, all heads turning to me, even if I'm covered in mud and soaking wet I know they will recognise who I am.

Putting my kids down on the floor because I had no strength left and said "I've returned" and fell to the floor hearing my kids crying out mummy.

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