Home At Last

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Love that photo ^^ thx to Autumn_101

Natsu's  POV
I was fighting Gray when the guild doors slammed open, we all turned our heads in that direction, revealing a muddy and drench girl holding two kids. She put them on the floor and said "I've Returned" and started falling.

I got up and ran to her catching her before she fell the two little kids crying out, I moved her hair aside and instantly knew who it was, tears streaming down my face.

"Natsu who is it" I turned around facing Levy "Lucy" I whispered, everyone in the guild fell to the ground crying or had shocked looks.

I then turned towards the two crying kids. A girl with pink hair and Lucy's chocolate brown eyes and a boy with Lucy's blonde hair and red dragon eyes, for some odd reason I felt connected to them.

But I didn't have time for them. I picked Lucy up bridle style and took her to the infirmary for Wendy to look after.

I walked back out and went back to the two kids who where sitting at a table with Gajeel and Levy. Levy trying to feed them food but they refused I walked over and sat in-between them. I looked at Gajeel and Levy nodding my head to tell them they can go and I have it sorted here.

"Hey I'm Natsu what's your names" I looked at them giving them the friendliest smile "I'm Nashi and that's my twin bwother Igweneel"the pink haired girl-who I assume is Nashi-said pointing to herself then Igneel.

"Why where you with Lucy, the blonde girl carring you" I said "That's mummy she said we'd be safe here"the little girl Nashi replied by this time all of FairyTail was listening... wait...what Lucy had kids, with who because I'm gonna hunt him down.

"Where's your daddy" I asked a little irritated "Mummy said he is in a place called FairyTail that's where mummy went before she had us, she also said daddy is very kind and handsome" Igneel said for the first time looking at me with his big, red eyes.

"Do you know your daddy's name" I asked, they both shock there heads 'no'. I then came up with a great idea "Well because you don't know who it is you can sleep at my house"I asked, already regretting it seeing they're faces lighting up nodding their tiny heads.

"Natsu do you think you can take care of them"Mira asked me, I nodded my head a serious look on my face.

They all seemed shocked by the serious look on my face, but I shrugged it of putting the little Nashi on my shoulders and picking Igneel up.

Walking out of the guild doors and to my house with Happy by my side "What do you guys like to eat"I asked them "Fire" Nashi said "I want mummy to cook"Igneel said....Um ok I'll feed him noodles and why does the girl like to eat fire.

"Why do you like fire Nashi" I asked a little curious "Because I'm the strongest Fire Dragon Slayer" she yelled and I stopped in my tracks, another Fire Dragon Slayer, better ask Lucy when she wakes up I thought and kept walking.

"What powers do you have Igneel" "I don't have powers" he said looking down. We kept walking Nashi, talking the whole way telling me about her self saying she wanted to fall in love like her mummy did. When she said that I got a little possessive over her and said she can't date because she's to young.

We finally arrived at my place and we walked in, I set the two down on the couch going to the kitchen to cook dinner.

When I was done I walked back with two plates in my hands and two plates in Happys hands and I saw Nashi throwing fire at Igneel who was trying to run away, I quickly set the plates on the coffee table and grabbed Nashi picking her up.

"It's not nice throwing fire at your brother" I scolded she looked down upset at what she did
"How about some dinner" I put her back down and we sat around the table eating and talking, Igneel talking more then when we first meet.

About an hour later Nashi and Igneel had both fallen asleep, I picked them up taking them to my guest bedroom putting them under the sheets.

I walked to my room and changed then fell onto my bed falling straight asleep.

I woke up to four little hands tugging at my arms. I turned my head to see Nashi and Igneel awake in the middle of the night "Shouldn't you two be asleep"I looked at them curiously "We used to sleep with mummy and we can't go to sleep without her so we want to sleep with you" Nashi said looking at me with the big chocolate brown eyes she got from Lucy.

I nodded my head and sat up, picking them up and placing either one on my sides. Nashi on my right and Igneel on my left.

Soon after I heard there soft snores, making me also fall into a deep sleep.

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