Why? Did You Take Them

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-----2 Months Later-----
It been two glorious months with Natsu and the kids. We officially moved into his house, Igneel and Nashi have two separate rooms and me and Natsu share a room.

We are now dating and I couldn't be happier, plus Natsu marked me, so I now have a little red flame behind my left ear.

I'm at the guild right now trying to learn everyone's names (A/N the kids names like storm etc) so I learnt Nova (4), Reiki (4), Rosemary (3), Storm (4), Rin(3), Sylvia (3), Ryuji (4), Gale (4).

It was hard at first because there was so many of them but I remembered all their names. I also caught up on everything, turns out Lisanna had a huge crush on Bixslow and they got married a year after I left.

I was soon taken out of my thoughts when my baby girl came over to me crying "Mummy! Sworm pulled my hair!" She cried out.

(Play Song) A/N if it's not there, look up piano Zenbon Zukara

I picked her up and placed her in my lap telling her 'it's ok mummy's here'. It was all going well until Natsu walked over and asked what happened to Nashi, when he found out he stormed over to Gray and started another fight with him. -_-'

I got up, Nashi still in my hands when Igneel came running through the doors shouting mummy and daddy. Following Igneel was all the other FairyTail kids and following them was the leader of the gang that's after Igneel.

I screamed so loud I broke glass cups "Lucy what's wrong" Natsu said running up to me with Igneel, all I could do was point and shake in fear.

"Well my dear Lucy it's good to see you again" he said "Not really" I said finally gaining courage.

"Lucy who's that"Erza asked pointing to the man "That's Kyo the leader of the Black Bandits gang" I said explaining who he is.

Kyo has pitch black hair and dark blue eyes, about the same height as Natsu but he's a lot older like 30 years old.

While I was lost in my thoughts Kyos gang came through the doors and attacked the guild. Magic was flying everywhere I saw Mira, Juvia and Levy carry the kids behind the bar. I looked around and saw Igneel hiding under a table along with Reiki and Rosemary.

I ran to them and told them to follow me. My grip tighten on Nashi. When I made it to the bar I ducked down so the magic wouldn't hit me or the kids.

"Good you made it and you also got Erzas kids" Mira said smiling "Yeah they were hiding with Igneel" I replied.

I suddenly had an idea "Mira remember that underground room you mentioned" I asked quickly "Yeah the one stocked with alcohol" She said confused at why I mentioned it.

"Open it we can all hide in there" I rushed. Mira quickly opened the door and Levy went down so she could grasp the kids. One by one they all went down all that was left was me, Mira and Igneel.

Mira went down and I was going to pass Igneel down when I felt a sharp pain go through my body. I looked down and saw blood coming out of my stomach.

"Gotcha, come on Igneel lets go somewhere fun" Ryo said laughing and grabbing Igneel.

I fell to the floor crying, I couldn't save him I was to weak. I have no strength to get up and I do the one thing that would alert Natsu.

"IGNEEEELLL!!!!" I yelled and sure enough Natsu heard it running after Ryo and the rest of his gang.

I saw Wendy run behind the bar and try to heal me but I grabbed her hand stopping her from doing anything "I...I'm....O....Ok" I barley whispered out.

"Gray, I need your help, grab Lucy and take her to the infirmary. Now! Or will lose her" Wendy shouted being strong for the guild.

I felt arms go under my knees and my back and being lifted up being rushed into the infirmary. I was laid softly on the bed, my name being yelled out by my kids and the guild.

"Lucy stay with me!" Wendy shouted.

I could slowly feel my world slip away. This is it I'm going to die here, I'll never see my kids grow up.

I won't see Natsu anymore.

With those thoughts in my head, I slipped into a world of darkness.

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