Where Did She Go?

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Natsu's POV
It's been three weeks since I left the guild for my mission, it's also been three weeks since I saw Lucy...My Lucy.

"Hey happy where finally home" I said as I walked to the guild doors "Aye sir" I opened the doors only to see everyone was depressed.

"What's wrong" everyone looked at me most of the girls had tears in there eyes, that's when I noticed Lucy wasn't here...where was she?! "Where's Lucy" I asked frantically.

"Nastu-" I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around to see Erza "-Lucy left for a mission two weeks ago it should've lasted three days...but after a week we got information about Lucy saying she died fighting the bandits" Erza said softly.

"No...No it's not true I would know she's my mate and I love her she can't just die!" I yelled angrily, tears streaming down my face.

Why...why her I can't lose her she's my everything "She's not dead I know it, I can feel it, I will look for her" I promised to myself and the guild "He's right she might not be dead I mean we all thought Lisanna was dead but here she is breathing" Gray said.

Then everyone joined in we where going to look for Lucy, I know she isn't dead, I can feel it because if she was I would be dead... Right.

Sorry this was short and btw the next two will be short as well then I'll make longer ones I promise so just bear with me

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