~Day 2~

196 23 43

Song~ Rather Be (feat. Jess Glynne)


I got a good nights rest last night. The best one I've had in a long time. I rub groggily at my eyes as a loud yawn escapes my mouth. My phone buzzes beside me. I lazily grab it and unlock it. Several messages from Mason are displayed on the screen. I scroll down the various messages until one caught my eye.

Mason- I'll be there in 10 mins. See you soon :P

That was sent 3 minutes ago. I throw the blankets off of me and scramble to my dresser. I pull the drawer out and grab a pair of light wash jeans. To match I grab a tee shirt with the nirvana smiley face plastered on it. They're one of my favorite bands. I quickly change and scamper into the bathroom. For a brief second I catch my reflection. Mascara is smeared under my eyes giving me the appearance of a raccoon and my hair is sticking out in random places. Without hesitation, I attack my hair with a brush and several hair products to tame it. With one minute to spare I look somewhat presentable. A small huff escapes my lips.

I jog down the stairs with a green coat and my purse in hand. I hear a giggle from the living room. My eyes bulge out of their sockets when I take in the scene before me. Mason is sitting on the couch with his arms draped over the back of the couch. His other rests rather uncomfortably at his side with Ainsley clutching onto him with a crazed look in her eye. She looked like a crazed fangirl at one of her favourite band's concerts. Across from them on the opposite couch is my dad and mother chatting happily with Mason. Lydia was no where to be seen.

  "When did you get here?" I ask Mason as I enter the room. Their chatter stops when I stand between them all.

  "Only a couple minutes ago. I've been talking with your family. They're very welcoming and hospitable," he says, flashing them an award winning smile. Ainsley swoons. Her grasp on his arm tightens. She reminds me of a boa constrictor. I shoot her a pointed look.

  "I'm ready to go. Are you?" I ask Mason.

Mason stands up. He gives his arm a slight shake to pry off Ainsley. After a few tugs of his arm she reluctantly let's go. "Yes I am. Bye Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. It was nice to meet you both."

"You too, son," my dad replies while still sitting on the couch.

"Have fun on your date!" My mom calls as we leave through the door. My cheeks turn bright red. Mason walks in front of me and I take small peaks to see if he caught her comment.

"So I take you out once and you're already telling people we're dating?" He teases with a smug look on his face.

"No, she just jumped to conclusion. I swear!" I defend. He stops and faces me. The car is only a few feet away and I'm tempted to dive in and drive away instead of facing more of Mason's teasing. I refuse to make eye contact or else he'll see my blush and tease me even more. Instead, I gaze at the ground. What a nice colour pebble.

  "Mhm. That blush and defensive tone says otherwise. But, I will trust you."

I watch as he climbs into the truck before following. I place my bag at my feet.

"So where exactly is this fair?"

  "Just on the outskirts of town. It won't take long to get to if that's what you're worried about," he says while turning on the ignition.

  "Okay. That's fine I love car rides, so it doesn't matter to me." I look out the window and watch the scenery change from urban city to luscious forests.

  Although I can't see him, I can feel Mason's eyes on me, but he says nothing.


  "Well here we are. The best carnival in town."

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