~Day 14~

59 7 2

Song~ Dirty Little Secret by All American Rejects

There's a lot if dialogue in this. Brace yourself lol


  "Wake up, Vivian!" A loud voice roars into my ear, startling me awake.

  "What? What is it?" I panic, frantically looking around for any sign of danger.

  "Nothing, we just wanted you awake. It's almost 3pm." I recognize the voice to be Ainsley's.

  I groan and bury my face into my pillow. "Great, I slept almost all day. I went to bed at like 2am."

  "Well, now you're well rested and can stay up late with us," Lydia chirps happily, jumping onto my bed.

  "Can I do your nails?" Ainsley asks following Lydia's lead and plopping onto my bed.

  "Sure. Do we have snacks and chips for the marathon?" I ask, pushing away my covers and making my way to my closet to change.

  "Nope, well not yet. Mom said she'd give us some money to go to the corner store down the street to get some," Lydia responds.

  I freeze at the mention of mom. "Oh, that's good."

  "You okay?" Lydia asks curiously. I can feel her gaze on my back. "You seem a little...off."

  I shake my head dismissively. "No, I'm okay. Just a little groggy. Let's get the food first before we do anything else."

  They both nod and trample down the stairs to the kitchen where my mom is. I follow, keeping a distance so I don't have to see my mom for too long.

  I enter the kitchen to see Lydia and Ainsley each getting handed a bill. For a brief second my mom's eyes make contact with mine and I can see the pain in them. I quickly look away. Ainsley and Lydia both take one of my hands and lead me out the door after putting on our shoes and coats.  

  "How's school?" I ask awkwardly. I haven't exactly been the best sister and that hasn't been more clear to me than now since I've realized I haven't had a decent conversation with either of them in a long time. I spend most of my time alone and recently out with Mason.

  Ainsley scoffs. "It's high school. Everyday I'm surrounded by more dicks than a curious teenager at a college party. What do you expect?"

  That explains why I don't talk to her. Moving on.

  "Lydia? How about you?"

  "It's fine. A lot of it's preparing for high school which I was looking forward to until Ainsley not so gently explained it to me."

  "I'm saving you a lot of disappointment. You should be thanking me," Ainsley says.

  "Not everyone's high school experience is like yours," I say defensively. "Sure you might find it terrible, but maybe Lydia will like it."

  Ainsley shrugs. "Maybe she will or maybe she won't. I'm just telling her what I know about my experience and that she shouldn't get her hopes up."

  "You're coming off a little snobby, Ains. Don't be that way."

  She huffs in annoyance, but doesn't say anything. From the way her facial expression keeps changing I can tell she's pissed and ranting about me mentally.

  We reach the store. I turn to Lydia. "Go on ahead, we'll catch up with you."

  She nods and complies.

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