~Day 12~

79 7 6

Song~ Heaven in Our Headlights by Hedley


I take long eager strides down the sidewalk as I march to Mason's house. It takes me about 10 minutes, but I finally climb the stairs and knock on the door.

"You're so loud," Brooklyn grumbles, swinging open the door. She winces as the sun beams in her face. "Hey Vivian."

I beam at her. "Hey Brook. Would you like to come to the Shake Shack with Mason and I today in honour of Mason's belated birthday?"

"Depends. Will it take away this raging hangover and make last night less hazy?"

"No, but it has coffee which can help with both...kind of."

"It's a start," she mumbles irritably, shielding her eyes while calling Mason down in the process.

I hear thumping followed by Brooklyn complaining about his volume before Mason appears in front of me at the door. He's wearing jeans and a plain blue t-shirt.

"I'm ready for this surprise," he announces while jingling his keys in anticipation. Brooklyn joins us in the car. I give him a series of directions before we arrive at the Shake Shack.

"You told me this is your favourite restaurant. And before you even try anything, I'm paying. It's my treat for you," I order with a tone of finality. We collectively exit the car and walk into the diner.

I sit in the same booth as we did the first time Mason took me. Mason slides in beside me while Brooklyn sits across from us.

"Hi, welcome to the Shake Shack," a familiar voice chirps beside us. "Oh hey guys!"

Marina smiles broadly down at us and hands us each a menu. "You guys are still together. Congratulations, Mason, you didn't scare her off! Did you tell her about your foot fetish yet?" A joking laughter seeps out at her own words. Amusement is evident in her eyes. I can't help but to reciprocate the expression.

"Ha ha very funny, Marina," he says sarcastically though the twitch of his lip shows that he is suppressing a smile. He winks playfully at me. "Not yet, all in due time."

"Can I get a chocolate milkshake and a hotdog?" I ask politely after kicking Mason's shin under the table.

"I'll have the same." Mason folds his menu shut.

"I'll have a black coffee and a plate of bacon and eggs," Brooklyn orders handing Marina each of our menus.

"No problem, it looks like you could use it. It should be done soon!" She chirps before heading to the kitchen.

Brooklyn groans and massages her temples. "Do I look that bad?"

I study her carefully. "The navy blue on your dress really brings out the dark circles under your eyes," I tease poking her gently from across the table. "Guess you should pace yourself next time."

She groans and slumps down on the table.

"So I got you a gift," I announce to Mason, rummaging through my purse trying to find the small box I wrapped last night.

Mason groans. "I don't want anything. I told you it isn't a big deal."

"I wanted to. I'd feel guilty if all I did was take and never gave back. It isn't anything big, but I want you to have it." I push the box towards him.

He eyes me suspiciously and takes the gift. He unwraps it carefully and discards the wrapping paper to the side, revealing a silver watch.

"It was mine. I wore it all the time. It meant a lot to me because it's from my late grandmother. Now it's from me to you. It may be a little small on the wrist, but you can always get it adjusted," I explain with a small smile.

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