~Day 15~

52 6 2

Song~ Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes


I wake up feeling emotionally drained. I'm lightheaded from crying last night and my nose is runny. I slip out of bed with as much enthusiasm as a lazy person doing a triathlon.

Dragging out the process at a painstakingly slow pace, I get dressed and go through my morning routine. I practice a smile in the mirror a few times before joining the world for a new day.

I glance down the hall to see Ainsley's bedroom door is open. Hesitantly, I make my way over.I have to fix what happened between us. After all, we are sisters. We're stuck with each other.

"Ainsley?" I call out sheepishly while knocking on the wooden frame. "Can we talk? Please?"

"Get out," she growls from her desk. Her back is to me.

"Please? I don't like how we ended things last night." I was on the verge of dropping to my knees and begging. I hate when people are mad at me, especially my sisters.

"I said get out!" She yells louder this time. In a flash, she's out of her chair and stomping to the door. She quickly slams it in my face leaving me with my mouth open.

I blink a few times before going downstairs and out the front door for fresh air.

If that's the way she wants to be, then fine. I've tried making my peace. I'll leave her alone for now.

I walk speedily to Mason's house. Once he opens the door, I invite myself in and tell him briefly about Ainsley's and I' exchange last night.

"What would you like me to do about it?" He asks after I finish."How can I help?"

"I don't know, there isn't exactly a lot you can do. Take my mind off it."

"Is that all I am to you? A distraction?" He asks teasingly, although I can detect slight pain in his voice.

"No, you're my go-to. You always know how to cheer me up," I explain.

Satisfied, he says, "Alright, we'll play a good ol' fashioned game of Truth or Dare. Brooklyn get your butt down here!"

"I'm coming!" She hollers.

She makes our way over to us. "What do you want? Oh, hey, Viv."

I smile faintly at her. "Want to play truth or dare?"

She looks deep in thought. I was about to tell her it was a simple yes or no question when she says, "Sure why not. It's been a while."

Brook sits on the ground with her legs tucked under her. Mason and I follow so we are sitting in a triangle of sorts.

"We don't play the typical way. If you want to refuse to answer a question or do a dare, you have to do a shot of Tabasco sauce. Savvy?" Brook explains.

I blink a few times and pull my lips into a tight line. "Did I suddenly go back in time and land on a ship in the Caribbean? What are you? A pirate?"I snicker.

"Just do it." She huffs.

"Alright," Mason claps his hands together. "Who goes first?"

"Vivian, since she's our honored and esteemed guest," Brooklyn answers.

"Mason! " I narrow my eyes mischievously at him. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," he scoffs like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I pause for a minute to think about what I want him to do.

"Don't let the power get to your head, Viv," Brooklyn jokes, poking me in the arm.

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