~Day 17~

33 3 2

Song~ Wasted by Tiësto ft. Mathew Koma

A/N~ Okay, so, I just want to clarify that technically (not technically, it really does) the start of the chapter takes place on Day 18, but since the majority of it happens on Day 17 I posted it here. I wanted to change up the writing style. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I do!

~Mar ❤️


My forehead is pounding. It feels like there's a jackhammer in my head. The sun shines brightly in my face.

  "No, make it stop!" I grumble, rolling over so the sun is out of my eyes. I let out a content sigh. Something soft tickles my nose. I scrunch my face and jerk my head up, wincing at the brightness and the sharp pain.

  I'm surrounded by feathers. Dozens upon dozens litter the floor. How did I get here?

  "What happened last night?" I mutter. I throw an arm over my eyes to block out the sun as I roll onto my back. 

   Mason shushes from beside me. "Too loud." 

  I get up onto my feet and look around. My head pounds harder. We're both on the floor in Mason's living room. The floor is covered in feathers and crashed into the coffee table is a Walmart shopping cart. A dog is sleeping peacefully on Mason's back.

  "What the hell?" I spin around a couple times as if it will somehow help me.

  I wrack my brain trying to figure out what we did last night. This is some Nancy Drew type mystery.

Slowly, in bits and pieces, it comes back to me. Last night was the first time I got wasted. And judging by this hangover, it's also going to be my last time.


Hours Earlier:

  I angrily threw down my book and let out an aggravated groan. My phone vibrated angrily on my nightstand. It had been going off for at least 5 minutes. 'Whoever it was better be texting me because of something important' I thought to myself.

>>Mason: COME OVER!

I read the messages and snort. I really hate surprises. I don't like not knowing things.

I glanced at my watch. It was just after 7pm. What could he possibly want?

After a brief 10 minute walk, I ended up at his house. I didn't even bother knocking. He told me to come over. That's invitation enough.

"Mason?" I called out.

  "Over here!" He yelled back. I followed the sound of his voice into his living room.

  "What is so important you couldn't wait to tell me tomorrow or just text me?"

  "I don't have anything to tell you; I have something to offer you. A proposal if you will." A smirk formed on his lips. 

  "I don't see you down on one knee, so I'm not going to get my hopes up." I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow. I gave him a look that said continue when he remained silent."What is your offer?"

  "I propose we get wasted."

  "Wasted." I repeated like a parrot.

  "Hammered, sloshed, drunk as a skunk, lit. Call it whatever you want." He pulled out a paper bag and carefully emptied its contents onto the coffee table at the foot of the sofa. It contained a large bottle of vodka and a couple cans of beer, it appeared to be.

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