~Day 5~

131 17 14

Song~ Count On Me by Bruno Mars

Kat pictured


My mom pulls up into the Starbucks parking lot a couple minutes before I told Kat I'd be here. She sent me several texts last night confirming and reconfirming the time for today. I step out of the car. My mom rolls down the window.

"Remember to have fun! Text me when you're ready to come home."

"I will. Don't worry," I reply as I enter the building. I lift my sunglasses up and place them on the crown of my head. I brush all of my hair to side and glance down at my outfit. I'm wearing my favourite light wash jean shorts and paired them with a black Arctic Monkeys band tee-shirt. The chilling AC nips at my exposed skin leaving goose bumps all over my body.

"Oh my gosh! Hey you," a perky voice chirps from beside me.

I turn spin around on my heels. A giant smile spreads across my face.

Kat stands bouncing on the balls of her feet. She hasn't changed much since I last saw her. She's filled out more and gotten more curves. Her rich brown hair cascades in waves across her mocha skin. Her brown eyes are wide and eager as she stares patiently at me. She's wearing a simple white dress with a jean jacket and black flats to match. She pulls me into a tight hug.

"I've missed you so much," she murmurs in my ear.

"Me too, Kat. Like you said, we have a lot of catching up to do."

She pulls back and grasps my hand. She tugs me into a booth at the far end of the restaurant.

"So how have you been?" She asks eagerly leaning across the table.

I brush a strand of hair out of my face and look awkwardly at the table.

"Not well...there's a lot to tell you," I start awkwardly. 

"I'm here for you. Always have been and always will be," she says with a gentle smile while taking my hand into hers.

I take a shaky breath. "I'm getting worse. I have less than a month to live. The diseased cells are multiplying rapidly and none of the treatments are working. I'm sorry you had to find out this way it wasn't my intention. I just thought you would want to know."

Kat frowns and takes my hands into hers. "Viv, I'm so sorry. How do you feel? Do you need anything? I'm always here to talk or even just listen if that's what you want."

"No, all I want is to spend my time being happy and doing exciting things instead of locking myself in my room and moping around. I came here to have fun," I reply in my most cheerful voice.

She looks at me skeptically, but thankfully doesn't press me for an explanation. Internally, I'm grateful. Kat knew how to pick and choose what battles to fight. This wasn't one I was ready to fight and I really don't want this discussion to put a damper on our reconciliation. "Alright, so what's new with you?"

"I met this guy recently..." I start before she eagerly cuts me off.

Kat's eyes light up. "Really? Whats his name? What's he like?"

My lips tug upward into a small smile. "His name is Mason. This is kind of cliché, but he's different from all of the other guys. Maybe it's because he's older than I am. He's funny and a genuine person. I like being around him. But, I think he has a girlfriend though."

Kat frowns. "He must be different if you like him. You were never one to go after cocky douches. What makes you think that he has a girlfriend? Has he told you that?"

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