~Day 4~

147 22 9

  Song~ Mess is Mine by Vance Joy


  I sit outside with Lydia and Ainsley under the shade provided by the massive oak tree in our backyard. The cool breeze nips at the exposed skin on my legs. Ainsley is attempting to climb the ladder into our tree house while Lydia is tugging at her foot. I watch uneasily as the rope ladder sways against the tree.

  "We haven't been up here in ages," Ainsley yells down to us. She disappears into the tree house and Lydia follows quickly. Soft giggles echo down as I lounge against the trunk of the tree with my favorite book resting on my lap while I stare up at the shack nestled among the branches. It's wood is splintering and there are several holes in the floor. I'm beginning to question if it's a good idea that they're in there. I hear an abrupt squeal before they both come rushing down the ladder.

  "Spider!" Lydia yells. She tumbles to the ground with Ainsley on her heels. I raise my eyebrows.

  "It's just a spider. It won't hurt you." They both plop onto the grass beside me.

  Ainsley looks at me and scoffs. "There wasn't just one. There were a lot. They're nasty." She shudders.

  I shrug. "They aren't that bad. There's worse things out there in the world."

  "How do they not scare you? They're so creepy and crawly. Why do they even need 8 legs anyways?" Lydia mutters scrunching her nose up in disgust. "Now I remember why we haven't been up there in forever. It should be torn down."

  "I think we should keep it for sentimental purposes," I reply placing my book on the grass beside me. "Do you guys want to play a game or something?" I stand up and stretch my cramped muscles.

  Ainsley scoffs. "A game? How old are we? Five?"

  Lydia stands up with me. Defensively, she says, "Come on, Ains. We should bond. We hardly ever do anything as sisters. Lighten up and have some fun. You're only young for so long."

  That got both me and Ainsley to stop and stare. Lydia may be the youngest, but she sure knows how to put everyone in their place.

  Ainsley sighs. She extends both of her hands. Lydia and I each take one to help her up. "Alright. What game do you want to play?"

  "Something easy. I feel a little dizzy, but I want to spend time with you guys. Let's play hide and seek." I suggest. I haven't played this game in ages. 

  "Is Mason coming by today at all?" Ainsley asks hopefully.

  I purse my lips. Since last night I had gotten several messages from him. I gave short answers hoping he would take the hint that I'm not interested. Finally, after three messages I decided to turn off my phone and leave it inside.

  "No, he has plans today," I lie. "I'll be it first."

  Ainsley and Lydia smile. Ainsley whispers in Lydia's ear and gets a nod in response. They both scurry off. I turn around and press my face against the tree trunk. I count down from 10 loudly before turning around and scanning the yard. I quickly search behind the tree. Frowning, I pace around the length backyard. There aren't many places here to hide. Our backyard is fenced with various plants and shrubs lining the majority of the fence. A bright yellow shed occupies the space in the far right hand corner with a quaint vegetable patch to its left. Our oak tree stands proudly in the middle of the yard. I march over to the shed and shield my eyes against the glass. No one is in there.

  With a sigh, I turn back around. The gate that separates our front yard from our back  is wide open. I laugh evilly before stalking to the front yard.

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