~Day 6~

132 17 32

Song~ Adventures of a Lifetime by Coldplay


"Okay repeat that one more time, but slower."

I roll my eyes but oblige. "I never learned how to drive."

Mason stares at me incredulously. "I can't believe it."

"What's so unbelievable about that? I just turned 17 and even some adults don't know how to drive. There was never a need for me to know how," I explain defensively.

Mason shifts in the driver seat of his truck. For the last 10 minutes, we've been debating what to do today since we never created a concrete plan. Somehow the topic shifted to him being tired and not in the mood to drive and voila. Here we are discussing my inability to operate automobiles.

Mason shakes his head. "Well I guess today I will teach you how to drive."

I shake my head furiously. I'm surprised I didn't just get whiplash. "Are you crazy? I don't know what half of those sticks do!"

"That's why I'm going to teach you. It will be fun," he says trying to coax me into agreeing.

"No! That's a crazy plan! I'll probably crash your car," I state while crossing my arms.

"What's the point of living if you don't take some risks? If you crash my car that will only make a cool story to tell people one day," he says wiggling his eyebrows enticingly.

I let out a huff of annoyance. "Fine! Let's get this over with."

"I knew I could appeal to your better nature."

"I knew I could get you to shut up if I agreed."

"Touché." He smirks.


We pull into an empty parking lot near the edge of town. It once belonged to a factory, but the building was long torn down and the lot was left here among the bushes and weeds. Mason parks the car and allows us to switch places. I sit uncomfortably in the driver's seat. Despite it's comfortable seat, I'm terrified to drive. I grasp the steering wheel tightly until my knuckles turn white.

"Step one: Check your mirrors," Mason instructs.

I adjust it so I can see clearly behind me.

"Step two: Move the PRNDL stick so it's in drive."

I let out an unlady like snort. "PRNDL stick?"

"Yea, have you ever seen the episode of the Suite Life of Zach and Cody where London learns to drive?"

"Nope. My younger sisters controlled the TV. I typically read, even as a child and what I do watch is on Netflix."

"You're missing out on a lot of good kid shows." He waves his hands dismissively. "Okay enough distractions! Keep that up and you probably will crash. You don't want to fail now do you?"

"Not particularly, no. One time I entered a spelling bee and misspelled the word failure thus losing the competition. That put a whole new meaning to that word." I laugh. "That's from the Office, by the way. Dwight Schrute said that in one of the episodes."

"I love that show. Steve Carell is hilarious," Mason comments with a grin.

"Me too!"

"Okay, anyways, put your feet on the pedals and slowly ease forward on the gas-that's the right one. That's it," he encourages.

I step on the gas and the car lurches forward earning a yelp from me. The car speeds forward and I rotate the steering wheel, sending the car flying to the right.

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