~Day 3~

140 22 6

  Song~ Cigarette Daydreams by Cage the Elephant


   I trot down the stairs and head into the kitchen. I woke up this morning in my bed with a small note from Mason saying that he'd be here sometime today and told me to double check if I had whipped cream for today's escapade. Conveniently, we have two bottles in the door of the fridge from last week's baking session with my mom.

  I kick the door shut with my foot and plop down on the couch. I scroll through my Instagram feed and lurk through people's pages until the sudden sound of the doorbell chimes.

  I swing open the door only to find Mason holding a tripod and camera. He pushes past me and marches into the living room.

"Please, Mason, come in," I say sarcastically before following behind him.

"Don't mind if I do." Although his back is to me I can sense the smirk on his face.  

I roll my eyes as I pass him and plop down on the couch as he fidgets with the tripod. Curiously, I examine what he's doing.

"Um, what are you doing?"

"Getting ready so we can film."

"And what exactly are we filming?" I ask while raising my eyebrows.

"A video for YouTube. I'll explain more once I'm done setting up. Can you do me a favor and get the whipped cream and a some old towels so we don't make a mess?"

"Sure?" I say although it comes out more as a question. I scurry to the kitchen and grab the whipped cream. I deposit them onto the coffee table before rushing to the laundry room and getting some raggedy old cloths. When I renter the living room, Mason has the camera set up on the tripod and all the windows opened. He snatches the towels out of my hand and places them around the couch and on the floor. He gives a satisfied smile. I stare at him confusedly.

"So, do you mind telling me exactly what we're doing?"

"We are filming a get to know each other video. We barely know anything about each other and I thought this would be a fun way to do it."

"By publicly humiliating ourselves on the internet for all to see?"

"See I knew you'd get it," he chuckles. "The way it works is we both ask each other personal questions. Like 'what's my favorite colour' or 'what's my dogs name' and the other person answers. If they answer it wrong they get a plate of whipped cream in the face. If they get it right they ask the next question to the other person."

"Okay, so where's the plates?"

His face falls. "Do you have any paper plates?"

"I'm sure I'll find some. You stay here."

  I rummage through the cupboards in the kitchen until I find a stack of paper plates from Lydia's birthday party. They're sparkly and pink. Two of Mason's favorite things. I enter the living room again to find Mason standing in a black Beatles tee shirt and grey sweatpants. I mentally drool. I snap out of my daze before he catches me ogling him.

  "Here's the plates," I mutter while tossing them on the table. "So was this your idea?"

  "No, actually. I was talking to your mom about what you like and she said you've always wanted to do a YouTube video. I thought you'd like it."

  Aw that's so sweet. He was thinking about you, a small voice coos in my head.  

  "Thank you," I murmur not knowing what else to say. I gather my hair into a bun that sits messily on the top of  my head. Mason's eyes linger on me before he turns his direction onto the camera. He fidgets with the buttons.

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