~Day 18~

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Song~ In my Mind by Maty Noyes


  I quietly step into my house and gently shut the door behind me. I can only imagine the delightful conversation that awaits me when my parents inevitably ask me where I was all night. I bite my lip and tiptoe into the living room. I'm greeted by the sight of Lydia and Ainsley sitting on the couch with my parents standing in front of them. My mom has her hands on her hips while my dad is standing off to the side more.

  "How nice of you to join us," my mother snaps with an icy glare. "Where have you been all night?"

  I shrug a shoulder. "Out doing stuff."

  Her eyes widen. "And when did you tell either me or your father you were going out?"

  I narrow my eyes at her. "Around the same time you told Ainsley and Lydia about your plans for our futures."

  I'm digging my own grave, but I can't stop the words from leaving my mouth. My mom looks like she's about to charge at me, but she doesn't. Her fists clench.

  "Lucky for you, that's the conversation we're having right now. Sit," she commands in an authoritative tone. The edge in her voice indicates there's no room for defiance. I can tell that I'm never going to win this argument, so I obey.

  "Good, first thing's first. You and Ainsley need to talk. I know she's been avoiding you these past few days and you need to get over it. Start talking." Mom crosses her arms over her chest and raises and eyebrow challenging either of us to defy her.

  Ainsley lets out an aggravated sigh. "Fine, Viv, I'm sorry I got so mad at you. I know you were just trying to watch out for me and I shouldn't have been so harsh on you." I can tell she isn't sincere, but I'll take what I can get at this point with her. Her voice loses its edge and becomes softer. "I'm also sorry about my comment I made about you and your impending death. I didn't mean it; it was just something I said in the heat of the moment. I really do hope you can forgive me."

  I smile gently down at my younger sister. "Of course, I'm sorry too."

  With a satisfied look, my mom continues. "Good, now that that's out of the way, we need to talk about some things since all of you know now." She looks over at my dad then at me with soft eyes.

  "Nothing is set in stone, we aren't definitely getting a divorce, but it's still a possibility. We went to a couple marriage counseling sessions this past week. We all agreed that it's best we separate. By the end of next month either your father or I will be in search of an apartment. We think it's best if you girls decide where you want to go," she explains. Her eyes focus on mine with a sad and pained expression. I look away, unable to hold her gaze.

  Ainsley opens her mouth, but my mom raises a hand to silence her. "We decided it's best to move next month so it gives you girls time to get accustomed to the thought and choose who you want to live with." My mom gets down on her knees and looks at all three of us. "We know this isn't what any of you want. You may be angry at us, but we really do think it's best for you girls. We can't keep living like this. I hope you can at least understand that and one day move past it."

  Ainsley doesn't say anything. Even her expression is unreadable. Instead, she stands up and pushes past my mother without a word. I have never seen Ainsley not say something. She always has some fire to shoot out, but it looks like she's been rendered speechless. My mom's gaze shifts to Lydia, who has always been the reasonable one out. She's the complete opposite of Ainsley.

  "I really do hope you're right about it being for the best," she mutters, not quite reaching my mom's gaze.

  "We're still trying," my mom replies. "Maybe we'll even get back together one day, who knows."

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