~Day 16~

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Song~ I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy

In case you forgot, Zoe is the girl from Day 5 who's been bullying Kat that Viv got in a fight with


  My eyes pop open when I hear my window creak open. I dismiss it at first, convincing myself it was the tree scraping it with a branch. However, the second I hear it being lifted, I freak out.

  Someone's breaking into my bedroom!

  Fear courses through my body as I see a dark figure enter my room. I subtly shift my hand under my blanket to my nightstand to grab my phone. My eyes shut as if not seeing them will somehow make me go undetected. I turn on the flashlight and see Mason standing at the foot of my bed.

  "What are you doing!" I whisper yell angrily. I clutch at my chest to try and calm down my beating heart. I glance at the lock screen. "It's two in the freaking morning! Could it not wait until there's actual sunlight? And what are you doing climbing through my window? What were you going to do? Watch me sleep like some Edward Cullen wannabe? You couldn't have just sent a text like a normal person?"

  "If you keep yelling you'll wake up your parents," he warns with a smirk.

  "When I get over to you your yelling will wake up my parents," I hiss angrily.

  "Kinky," he says with a silent laugh. I chuck a pillow at him in return. 

  "What are you doing here?" I repeat in a quieter tone than before.

  "Nothing good happens after 2am which is exactly what we're doing— nothing good."

  I squint my eyes in attempt to get them to adjust to the darkness, "What do you have in mind?"

  "Revenge," he answers as if it's the simplest thing in the world.

  I raise an eyebrow, "You have my full attention."

  He chuckles, "We're going to seek payback on Zoe. We can't let her get away with all she's done to you guys."

  "Who's we?"

  "You, me, and Kat. She's waiting in the truck."

  "It doesn't surprise me that you got her in on this, but how did you get a hold of her?"

  He shrugs a shoulder. "Brook talks to a lot of people."

  A devilish smirk falls on my lips. "What are we waiting for then? We have revenge to dish out."


  I had changed into tight fitting yoga pants and a hooded sweater before we hopped in the car. We had stealthily left through my window which made me feel like a bad-ass and climbed down the tree to get to the front lawn. Kat was in the front seat next to Mason while I occupied the back.

  "Is this gonna break any laws?" I question.

  "Probably," Kat answers with a shrug. "It's also going to break some morals. Be prepared to abandon your religion."

  "Good to know." I laugh awkwardly at how serious they're taking this. I can't tell if she's joking or not which isn't a good sign. Kat directs Mason to Zoe's house and soon enough we're there.

  Mason parks the truck a few houses down from her house and shuts the engine off. The only car in her driveway is her own, so I'm assuming her parents aren't home. She doesn't have any siblings either. I wonder if it's pure luck that they aren't home or if Dumb and Dumber up front planned it out this way.

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