~Day 11~

98 12 19

  Song~ I'm Yours by Jason Mraz


  I jerk back my hand once more.

  "Promise you won't laugh?" I narrow my eyes.

  "I won't. Now let me see the list!" He demands with an outstretched hand.

  I hand over my bucket list. "I started it when I was around 12. I knew I was a ticking time bomb and my heart would only last so long, so I wrote it at a young age."

  "Ride a motorcycle. Get a tattoo. Get drunk- that's pretty mature for a child," Mason grins listing off some of the items on the list.

  I swat his arm and groan. "I said I started it when I was young. I never said I finished it then too. It's been on-going."

  His eyes continue to scan the paper. "These seem pretty doable. There's only about 6 things on here, so for the rest of the month we can just see what we feel like."

  I nod and tuck my legs underneath me. We were currently sitting in my room, more specifically on my bed, figuring out a plan instead of winging it.

  "Want to write out a list?" I ask. When he nods a yes, I retrieve a pen and a notebook from my desk.

  "We'll start out with what we've already done so we can cross it off. Then we can write down some more," he instructs, laying on his stomach. We begin to create a list.

"There! Finito!" He cheers after an hour of discussing and writing.

  "Not bad. What do you want to do today?" I ask, looking over the possible options.
  "I have a plan," he says. He get off the bed and stands behind me. His big hands cover my eyes. I can feel his breath tickle my ear as he whispers. "Point anywhere on the page and that's what we'll do today. We'll let fate decide."

  I giggle and bite my lip. I blindly point to a random spot on the page. 

  He moves his hands to allow me to see. I read the page aloud, "Crash a wedding."

  "Odd choice, but who am I to defy fate?" I laugh.

  "If we're going to do this, which we are, we'll have to dress the part to make it convincing," Mason says.

  I stand up and rummage through my closet. "I have the perfect dress. Ta-da!"

  I pull out a blue strapless dress with a pink floral print on it. It has a low neckline to show off my collar bone and cleavage. The bottom of the dress flows outwards and grazes just above my knees. "I wore it to Kat's sweet 16 last year. I also have black pumps to match."

He nods with approval while his eyes flash with an emotion I don't recognize. Almost as soon as I notice it, it disappeared.

  "We can stop by my place and pick up a decent outfit for me and we could possibly bring Brook. She'd be all for this." He chuckles.

  "Sounds like a plan. Can you-uh- turn around please? So I can change?" I ask awkwardly. I can feel my cheeks burn slightly.

  Mason chuckles, but obliges. I take the opportunity to chuck off my t-shirt and leggings in exchange for the dress. Once it's settled nicely on my body, I slip on the 4.5 inch heels to complete the look. I decide against a full face of makeup and instead opt for mascara and filling in my eyebrows.

  "You can turn around now." My fists clutch the material at my sides.

  Once he does, he let's out a whistle. "Wow, you're-"

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