Chapter Two

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A month later she knew she only had six months left to be with him, and not in a country where for the first time in her life she was going to have that much responsibility.

She had to be with everyone in her country all the time. Aletta couldn't wait to see the neighbor, but that was the problem she thought it was going to be hard to say goodbye once she had to leave for her country. This was the first time she had known someone other than family.

She knew when she was to leave and she still didn't want to leave after everything she had experienced in this new life, she couldn't.

Aletta realized that maybe her mom was looking out for her, and that was why she wouldn't let Aletta go anywhere.

When Aletta was alone she went out to see him, she tried not to, because she knew that one day she wouldn't be able to see him, but she couldn't resist it she wanted to.

They were talking and then he said he had something important to tell her, but she said she wanted to say something first. She told him about how she had to leave in six months and why and every detail. This was strictly against what she was told, she was never to tell anyone that she was leaving and where to, this should never be done.

They wanted to stay together, because in all truth he had never had a friend like her either. But they just couldn't they wouldn't be able to see each other anyway, and she still didn't want to leave but she thought she should tell him.

This is exactly what she was afraid of, if she met someone and she has to leave. Aletta just couldn't leave she wanted to stay and live a life that wasn't chosen for her. She needed to find a way but how, she was to always put her country first.

She was waiting again so she could get back and explain why she must leave. One day her mother said she was going to be gone for two weeks while she got supplies for Aletta's birthday. Aletta was turning fifteen in three weeks. Although, Aletta wished she wasn't. For her age is the only reason she has to leave.

Aletta had known that this was going to happen and she couldn't wait, but that was before she met the neighbor and she found out his name is Xavier. She never got a chance to learn it before.

When she turns fifteen she has to leave and train some more for her country this way she will know how to run it, and so will Wence and Shanna when it is their turn.

She saw him and they came in the middle of their yards where they always meet and talked, and explained, and wondered what will happen when she leaves. this is the only friend she's ever had and now she's going to leave.

"What will happen" she asked "when I leave?" He didn't know what to say; finally he said what was the least painful for them both... he simply said "we will find a way, there is always a way."

He told her something knowing that she liked this and he said "one time an outsider, forever a friend."

She looked at him and a single tear fell upon her cheek he saw and asked if everything was alright she said yes she just didn't want to leave her first friend. He said they can find a way she said she could hide some letters to
him in the country's mail. He said he will also send letters to her every day.

Now she thought about how they only have five months left. She didn't want to say good bye she wanted to stay there at the meet of the two yards. She went inside and there was a package she opened it and there was a beautiful lavender dress that goes all the way to the floor. She wondered where it came from; it was from her mom for her birthday. She wasn't excited when she heard it was for her birthday that just meant she had to leave faster. She wanted to stay but she couldn't tell her mother because she would just get told your country comes first, yourself and your family comes second.

She figured she would read a note with it, the note said... Aletta I am excited for you to follow in our footsteps, we are confident that you will do fine; this dress is for that special birthday of yours. I hope you like it, I wasn't sure what color you like, but there will be much time to catch up when you come home. - Love, your mother, Helendria.

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