Chapter Four

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She wore the new earrings and necklace the next day. And her mom wanted to know where she got them and she said she saw them and she ran out and got them, then came right back inside. Her mom asked if she remembered not to go outside and she said she was sorry. For the rest of the day they were talking and laughing and had a lot of fun. And then after a couple weeks she realized there was only four months left.

She went and talked to Xavier and asked him if he realized how long they had left. Xavier was sad and stood there in silence until he said he really wanted to tell her something, he needed to tell her. Aletta wondered what he could possibly say to make this better; she doubted he could say anything to make her feel better. Xavier said "I will tell you this, but when you leave I guess it won't matter anymore."

Aletta asked what could it be everything he says matters to her, and he started to say I... when suddenly she saw her father down the road he wasn't supposed to be back yet. Xavier got on the sidewalk and acted like he had been walking around the town Aletta went back inside. As soon as he was close enough she ran out the door and stood in front of him. He asked what she was doing out here and she said she saw him and ran out to see him. She said he was home sooner than he should have been. He said he came back to stay until he takes her to the country himself. Aletta said that was ok, she didn't need to be taken there, but her father said of course she needed an escort to the country. She tried to come up with an excuse so she said she was planning a special entrance and she wanted him to see it. He said he still can when he takes her in.

She really didn't want him to stay for four more months. She asked him if he would go out and help around the country till she got there. He seemed sad that she wanted him gone. She said it was just that she wanted to be alone till she had to leave. Her father said that was good because he decided she would be left alone till she leaves. She was confused she still had her mom. Her dad told her that her mother was going back with him, which meant she was being left with Wence and Shanna. She was happy this is the first time she was being left completely alone.

She asked Xavier if he wanted to come over. Xavier said he had never seen the inside of their house before. Aletta said he can come over now, because no one was home except her brother and sister. He said ok and they talked for hours. Then they talked in their yards, and talked after she showed him around the house. Eventually they stopped talking and went back to their houses.

Aletta was playing with Wence and Shanna; they like playing with each other and have a lot of good times together. Aletta made them all dinner which she normally does for them. Aletta and her siblings told stories and made forts and did whatever they felt like doing. The day was over and Aletta was sad she realized this was the first day she ever felt like a real kid, completely free and no rules to follow.She realized how much she will miss it when she leaves. Aletta doesn't want to leave, but whether she wants to or doesn't she has to.

She hated the fact that she was being forced to do this, this isn't what she wants to do. She was supposed to always put the country first and her life second, she knew this her whole life, but now it was different.

She later went to sleep trying not to think about it. The next day she woke up early and made her brother and sister some pancakes. Then they woke up and were so happy about their special breakfast. When they were done eating their pancakes Aletta asked if they wanted to go on a walk around the neighborhood. The kids stood there, not knowing what to say, they are not allowed to go outside either, and said "mother and father said we aren't allowed to leave the house." Aletta said that it was ok if they didn't tell their mom and dad, and if they didn't talk to strangers about the country. So they all went on a walk but they took Xavier, so they wouldn't get lost, because they had never been around the town before, in fact they had never been outside their house, so of course they needed someone to show them around. They were walking for about an hour and a half, looking around, and talking till they all got tired and came back home. When they came back Aletta and Xavier stayed outside and talked.

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