Chapter 5

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Junior's Grandma Prov

Mrs. Im kept on about how Jb should marry for the baby I was really getting a little mad. Then she said "I want a lot of grandkids" I just shook my head. I said "if this was my son then I would help him instead of force a marriage on him". Then I closed my door I sighed then walked to my room. Jion was waddling around I sighed then said "you poor thing your appa is going through so much trouble to keep you happy". Then I smiled she did have Y/N's eyes just like JB said. I picked her up I walked down the hall I laid her between two pillows on the couch. Then I got a video out I smiled then put it in it was JB's wedding. I pressed play then picked Jion up I said "this is your umma and appa".

Flash back
It was Jb wedding day everyone was sitting down getting ready for the bride to enter. JB was standing at the front with his friends he was smiling he was finally marrying his Love. Then the music started and the doors opened and here she came Y/N. She was in the most beautiful dress her hair done so beautiful she was very lucky. When she reached Jb her father handed her off then sat down. Jb smiled then she did the preacher said "you may all be seated" everyone sat. Then he said "do you Im Jae Bum take Y/N to be your wife to have and to hold through sickness and in health until death do you part for as long as you both shall live". Jb looked at Y/N he said "I do" then the preacher said "Y/N" she looked at him. He said "and do you take Jae Bum to have and to hold through sickness and in health until death do you part for as long as you both shall live". She was about to cry she was so happy "I do" then the preacher said "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride".

I sighed then turned the tv off then looked at Jion she was asleep. She was just so precious then the phone rang I laid her down to answer it. It was JB he was worried I answered he said "hello is Jion ok". I turned I smiled I said "she is fine she's taking a nap" Jb sighed in relief he said "thank you". Then I said "your mother stopped by but I made sure she didn't see the baby" JB said "she did". I said "she was looking for Jion to let Hani bond with her" Jb said "don't let none of them around her I can't lose her too". I said "you won't lose this baby JB". Then he had to go I hung up then sighed.

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