Chapter 7 (Two Years Later.)

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JB prov.
Its been two years since the birth of my daughter Jion she is about to turn two and I'm planning her a birthday party. As we was out in town she was looking around. She was eating a ice cream cone as we walked. I had to go somewhere before we met up with Junior to shop for her party. As I was looking around I bumped into someone I said "my bad" then she turned it was Hani. I sighed then she said "oh my goodness she has grown" Jion looked at me like *who is she* I said "yes she's about to be two". Hani smiled then said "why haven't you let your mother see her" Hani was really trying to push my buttons. I said "it doesn't concern you so please don't bother in my family's business". She said "JB please just hear me out" I sighed then looked at Jion. She turned her head I thought *wish I could do that to lucky child*. Then I said "fine but hurry" she said "please give me a chance to be with you and her". She said "I know I'm not ever going to repleace her mother but I can be a mother figure to her". Jion buried her face in my neck I sighed then said "Hani I'm happy with just my daughter I don't need you or anyone". She said "I see that but she needs a mother figure in her life" I said "no not really she has a lot of people who love her". Then I said "tell you what she goes to her babysitters tomorrow if go and make her like you then I will think about us". Hani smiled she said "really" I nodded then I seen the time I said "now I have to go". When I left I said "Jion give her so much trouble ok" she said "appa". I looked at her she nodded then I said "that's my girl" then we reached the cafe. We threw her ice cream cone away and washed her hands then called Junior. As we was waiting on him Jion said "appa where is ummah" I said "in a much beautiful place" Jion said "appa" I looked at her. She laid her head down then smiled she was just so cute. Then Junior walked in with his grandmother she said "Jion" Jion smiled then reached up to her I passed her to Junior's grandmother then they sat down. Junior said "so any ideas on the party plans for this weekend"I sighed then said "nope" Junior said "oh boy what does she like" I said "um flowers and animals" he said "take her to the zoo then". I said "is it to cold to take her I mean it is winter time". Junior said "oh right" his grandmother said "where is Jion staying tomorrow while you go with Junior". Jion was playing with the straw wrappers I said "Jackson is keeping her him and Yugyeom" she said "oh goodness". She said "I pray for your daughter" we all laughed at her response.

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