Chapter 7: M?

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Aaron's POV

Hmm, what was I going to make Mari do since she offered it. I couldn't think of anything. Ah Ha! Wait, which one. Plan A or B? I mean I did have an errand to do, and she did offer anything....

Mari's POV

"M?" Aaron asked as he poked his head through the door.

"I'm in here" I replied not looking away from my work.

"I have an idea for your anything..." Did he really just taunt me?

"What now?" I turned my chair around and came face to face with Aaron. He smirked. Oh what he going to make me do?

"I have an errand to run, but since you offered anything, I was wondering if you wanted to do it?" Phew, I thought he was going to make me jump off a cliff or something. I must've looked relieved because Aaron then added on to his statement.

"Or you could do something else like jump off a cliff?" I mentally face palmed, and he started laughing.

"Stop it" I playfully hit him. "Yeah, I'll do the errand, what is it anyway?"

"I need elixirs from my fathers lab" He gulped nervously.

"I-" I was just about to reply that I would do the errand, but I got cut off.

"You know what, never mind, you don't have to do it, I'll think of something else, um, bye" Aaron ran out of the room as fast as he could. I stood up from my chair and walked out into the hallway. I saw Aaron talking to his little brother. I hid around the corner listening to their conversation.

"What did you do?!" I heard his little brother whisper yell.

"I'm sorry! Okay? I told her I would think of something else so calm the heck down!"

"Does she know?" His little brother was referring to me


"No!" I heard him scream.

I was held back my my sister, I couldn't fight back at the time since tears were burning my vision, and Loren's men were blocking my way.

"Don't take him!" My throat burned from the screaming, but the look on my little brother's face was the only thing that kept me going. "Take me instead!" I was willing to sacrifice myself, but I knew that we would all die in the long run. The men paid no attention to me and my sister. Even my offers.

"No..." The last thing I heard was pain screaming cries from my brother. I fell to my knees, my sister coming down with me.

I heard footsteps. Probably the footsteps of Loren, I thought. I laughed a little bit at the thought of Loren ever paying attention to me. But my laughter immediately stopped when I saw a shadow covering me.

I looked up, and saw a boy my age with Arctic Blue Eyes. I've seen him try to approach me before, but he was always carried off probably by his parents.

"Hi, my father told me that it's forbidden to come talk to you, but I don't believe him. I want to be friends with you. What's your name? Mine is A-" He got cut off because one of the towns people grabbed him and started to lecture him. Anyone could notice that he wasn't listening to the lecture, but I guess that was only me.

I didn't want to believe the boy, but from that moment, I kept wondering everyday if I had him as a friend. In my mind, I called him A. Because he never finished telling me.

My sister pulled me up, and looked me in the eye.

"You need to be strong." I sniffled.

"For mom, dad, and Fredrick" I nodded slowly.

"Good, we'll live through Hell together."

She took my hand, and started to make our way home.


"Don't, Seth."

Why did his little brother remind me of mine?

"Don't what?"

"Don't play dumb with me"

"Answer my question then" Seth demanded.

"No, she doesn't know, happy?


I heard a plop on the couch in the living room, and someone's footsteps coming closer to the hallway. I held my breath and saw Aaron's little brother walking in the hall. He stopped walking when he was near me. I tensed up getting ready for him to break my cover when he whispered something.

"I knew you heard everything, but someone else didn't know." He was referring to Aaron.

"Not as 'little' as you think I may be to my brother in some areas." With that, he continued walking and disappeared into the guest room.

I waited a little bit, then decided to come out. And when I did come out, Aaron was being carried away by a man in a mask.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked. I was about to use Magic when I got hit in the side of my head. "Ouch, Seth?" Aaron's little brother was the one who hit me.

"Aaron and Mari. You two believed the lies. I knew he was still gullible after all these years. He almost changed me. Almost. Well, I'll just be taking him and you"

The last thing I saw was the man take off his mask.

Wait, wasn't that....

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