Chapter 10: Nothing You Can Do About It

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Aaron's POV

She started laughing, and I couldn't stop from thinking that she was the little girl who father forbid then and now, who's family died for no reason other than Loren hating them for their former social status. It was her.

"Now, why don't we get out of this place" Mari suggested.

"I think that would be very nice" I agreed. We both laughed from our remarks. How could we laugh in a time like this? Mari closed her eyes for a second, and once they opened, I saw that they were much more vibrant than before. She easily just broke through the chains while I just stood up and walked away from them.

"What? How'd you do that? That's not fair!" She wined.

"What? I'm used to it. He does it all the time" I wasn't proud of that, she could tell.

Loren probably knows we escaped. He probably planned it so he could just trap us again.

"I know..." Mari whispered. What? Oh, she was responding to my thoughts...

We slowly opened the door, and I noticed Seth walking the other way, his back facing us. I frowned. He knew we were here.

Mari's POV

Aaron was frowning. Great, now his brother knew we were behind him. Before we could do anything, Seth appeared right behind us. Aaron was about to hit him, when something must've over come him, and he stopped. But this only made Seth smirk. Seth used magic and locked Aaron behind some jail bars in the middle of the freaking hallway. This wasn't to be good.

"Nice to see you again, Aaron, Marilynn..." He must've knew what I've been thinking because he trapped both me and him behind jail bars too. I glared at him. He was not going to get away with this

Or will I?

Now he's trying to get in my thoughts, so "impressive".

"I bet Aaron would get mad at me if I did a little something..." He looked at a furious Aaron.

"Don't you freaking dare." Aaron gritted through his teeth. What were they talking about?

"What if I do dare?" Seth mused. He was amused. One hundred percent.

"I'll kill you" Aaron threatened. But we both knew it was a lie. He loved his brother too much to do that.

"You wouldn't"

Aaron fells to his knees, hanging onto the bars.

"You're right." He admitted. His brother smirked. I bet you, he loved being right. Right then, I saw Aaron flinch as Seth pushed me against the wall. Was he going to threaten me too? I crossed my arms bored. How many times had this scene happen before?


"Don't. Slap. You. Slap. Dare. Slap. Get. Slap. Near. Slap. My. Slap. Son. Slap. Ever. Slap. Again. Slap." And she stormed off, leaving me against the brick wall she backed me up to. What the heck was wrong with that mother? I was 16 yards away from the boy! My cheeks were red from the constant slap she was giving me. I didn't feel any pain this time though, I was used to the hatred from town. The slapping, hitting, laughing, blaming, everything practically.

I just went back to what I was doing before, drawing in the dirt with a stick. I was drawing my dead family when someone else came up to me.

"Are you okay?" It was the same boy who gave me the stick, the one who snuck around just to come talk to me.

"Yeah, I'm used to it." I said casually since it was literally my everyday life.

I felt something soft on my cheek, my eyes widened. He just kissed my cheek...

"There, " he said, "Now it's all better"

I felt the redness go away, but it just came back as I blushed.

"I know you aren't the rumors they say, I know they're lies." He whispered.

"Yeah, sure" I mumbled. I never knew how to deal with the rumors,

I just dealt with them.


Seth leaned against my ear, and I could feel his breath on my neck. That's how close he was. Too close for comfort. I heard Aaron's breathing fasten, and the glare he gave burned through Seth's back. I felt Seth smirk.

"You were every single rumor, everyone's troubles, but soon, you'll be like the rest of your dead forbidden family. You are hated, you'll always be like that, Marilynn." I shivered frightened under those words. Who knows what he was going to do next? This was the first time I was frightened by being pushed against a wall.

"And there's nothing you can do about it." I grimaced at those words. Because it was partially true. I tried to save my family, but nothing ever worked. But this time. It will.

"Oh, no it won't," getting into my thoughts again? "Not while I'm still here..."

What was he doing to me? Trying to burn my spirit? Why was he so close to me? I decided to make the first move. I brought up my fist to punch the the side of his head, but he caught my hand just before it hit him. Just when I was about to bring up my other fist, he caught that one too. He used one of his hands to pin my arms above my head. I tried escaping, but that only tightened his grip. I glared at him. So did Aaron, well that makes two of us. He got right in my face, and started to give me the pure rage in his eyes. Rage from what? I'm not exactly sure.

"You'll regret every single thing that you do, and your little lover here, will also pay the consequences." He started to bring his face closer to mine. I struggled, but I only saw the rage in his eyes. Was he really going to kiss me? I did not want him as my first kiss.

Aaron's POV

I was furious. Seth started leaning towards Mari's face, oh no he wasn't. I bent the jail bars easily with anger spreading throughout my body. I came right behind Seth, and right on punched his face square on the nose. He fell, and I took my advantage while I still had it. I'll kill him, if that's what I had to do.

For teaming with dad from the beginning. Punch. Telling rumors. Punch. Killing innocent people. Punch. Mari tried stopping me, but I shook her off. Seth would pay for everything. Killing mother. Punch. Lying to me, and kidnapping us. Punch. Hurting Mari. Punch. And almost kissing her. Punch. I punched him once more.

I sighed and stood up. I wiped my hands off. I turned around to come face to face with hatred himself. I almost flew backwards from the blow I took. How could I not see it coming? Now, I'll only put her in more danger. A shadow hovered over me.

Don't do this. Please.

I hate you, always have.

I don't believe a word you say. You won't hate me any time longer, Seth. Not anymore.

We'll see about that Brother...

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