Chapter 11: Assassin

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Aaron's POV

Seth was just about to kill me with his knife, when an arm grabbed him from behind.

"What do you think you're doing Mister." He turned around to see how it was, but he was already punched by then. I rolled over to the side so he wouldn't land on me, and I looked up to see the savior myself.

Wait, that's impossible.

Mari's POV

While Aaron was dealing with his brother, I had to deal with the master himself, Loren. They were having a simple fist fight when we had a magic fight. Great, he's probably gonna poison me. I kept dodging his shots, or canceling them out with my own magic, but I couldn't use it rapidly yet, why hasn't my darn magic recovered yet? It was a lot of dodges later until he finally hit me. I fell from the impact while he acted like an idiot smirking to himself. I took his distraction and made a hit on him myself. I managed to crawl into an unknown room unnoticed, while Loren laid there, clutching his "wound". I stood up, leaning against the wall for support. I felt dizzy. I looked down at my wound, he only scratched the surface of my skin, so he hadn't done real damage yet.

"Help" the voice was so faint you could almost miss it. I looked up, I was in a jail room, where the prisoners were kept. Huh, lucky me. I walked down the hall quietly just in case someone was there. I hearts a loud thump, and I turned around only to see someone trying to look like an assassin.

"What the-" I was cut off by the sudden pinning me down on the ground technique.

"Shut up, or I'll kill you" the masked person whispered, definitely a guy.

"Really? This is what you do?" I immediately disappear and appear against the wall, where I was originally at.


"Shh" I told him "I keep your secrets, you keep mine" He just nodded. He acted as if he didn't know, but he was pretty used to this Magic "thing". I started getting curious.

"What's your name?" I asked him, he looked kind of familiar...

"Wouldn't you remember me Mars?" My eyes widened. No one really called me that, except for....

"What do you mean? How could I possibly know you?" I questioned him. He couldn't know. It wasn't him.

"Wouldn't you recognize this?" He took his mask off. My legs turned to jello. Sure he look different, but the eyes, his hair, but how? His eyes were still the same brown, and his hair still the same navy blue, but it couldn't be? It was just an imposter.

Am I an imposter, Mars?

It was him. He could get into my head. No imposter could do that. But I felt a weird wavelength from him. It was different from natural magic. I looked up at his face. I brought my hand up to his cheek. He smiled that old smile I always used to know.


Aaron's POV

I saw the savior, why would an assassin save me? I couldn't see their face, so I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a guy.

"You're lucky you didn't get killed." Yep, definitely a girl.

"Why'd you save me? Wouldn't you want to kill me?" She simply laughed at that comment.

"No, why would I do that?"

"I don't know, because you're an assassin?" She was confusing me, especially after the affect of Seth's punches.

"Do you even know who I am?" She did sound familiar. Who was she? Could she merely be tricking me to just kill me?

She started taking off her mask, and I could see her long hair fall from the mask. I looked from her hair to her face. The shock almost sent me down.

But it couldn't be, you're right Aaron, she is an imposter.

But Aaron? How could I be some measly imposter?

Now that surprise sent me down. She couldn't even do that? She was just a normal person like the rest of them. Hating on magical people. Unless, ugh, Loren will definitely pay for this.


Some random girl named Camille comes running across to me when I was talking to the girl with the magic stick. I think her name started with an M or something.

"Hi Aaron!" I mentally face palmed, it's not like I liked being popular, and why did all the girls chase me? I looked down at M, okay, almost all the girls.

What do you want Camille?" I sounded like I was one of the adults giving a lecture.

"Let's play! And don't go around her, I hate her" M grimaced. I saw the pain in her eyes.

"No, I don't like you. And you can't tell me what to do." Yeah, I had to sneak around to play with M, but it was more fun than playing with my "friends".

Camille liked me, and everyone could see that. She tried not to look hurt, but it didn't work very well.

"Aaron, it's just, I really like you, and I know you like me, and I just want to watch out for you" What the heck. We are 7, is she really giving me this crap?

"Just to be clear on one thing, I hate you the most" I prepared myself for one of the teachers lecturing me. "I will never like you" And I turned around from her to talk to M.


She had that same strawberry blonde hair. I looked into her eyes. That same warmth feeling when you see them shot through me. Darn, sometimes I wish she didn't have that power. Her eyes a color of sand from the desert. She suddenly smiled that familiar smile when she saw the curiousness in my face. I easily grimaced, which sent the smile away. Did my arch nemesis really come back?


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