Chapter 13: Strike Three Your Out

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Aaron's POV

I stopped to catch my breath.

"Come on!" Mari yelled over the sound of collapsing building. She grabbed my hand and started running faster than I thought she could.

I almost tripped at the pace she was going at. This was probably faster than light speed! Nah, probably not that fast, but it was still pretty fast if I say so myself.

Once we were a good but away from the building, I bent down on my knees, holding myself up. I saw Mari's shadow next to me.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered. She put her hand on my shoulder, and only that could make tingles spread through me.

I shivered and stood back up, Mari was talking to the other boy, who was he anyway? I heard Mari call him Fred so that must be his name. He looked about 15-ish. Two years younger than I am, and he could make a building collapse while I could shut a door. But how did he know her?

Mari's POV

Once we were a good bit away from the building, I threw tons of questions at Fred. Why? How? When? The questions were endless. He looked pretty confused, and I started to smile like an idiot. He returned the smile. He has grown some, he was 2 years younger than me, but he has outgrown my height. But he still looked like lil o'l' Fred. I ruffled his hair, and turned to create a plan of what we were going to do next. Dang, it's been what, 12 chapters, and I still have no materials to defeat Loren!

"Do you guys have any idea what we are going to do next?" I questioned.

Aaron looked almost clueless. "Nope" he said popping the 'p'.

"Yes" Fred told us with zero confidence. Well, don't I have amazing friends.

Hey I heard that.

The boys said in unison. I simply rolled my eyes at the comment.

"Let's go, we have to find shelter, then we'll set off to wherever you need to go Fred."

The guys groaned. My eyes turned a deep violet, and I glared at them. They both hugged each other and cowered in fear. That shows that I still got my scare, and that they are both babies. I nodded at my thoughts. And I started walking into the forest.

"Um, I don't think you shoul-" Aaron tried to warn me, but it was a bit too late. I guess I stepped into a trap. I vanished, and I appeared in some sort of lair.

Oh, not again.

Aaron's POV

Of course. She didn't even takes 10 steps and she gets kidnapped again. Just my luck today, huh? Strike one.

Fred started walking in the direction Mari walked in, but I didn't follow. He looked back.

"You coming?"

I nodded slowly. He started to walk again as he vanished too. Strike two. I sighed. What was I going to do now?

I started walking in the same direction Mari and Fred had walked in to find my self vanish too. Isn't this just Great. (Note the sarcasm) Strike Three, Your Out.

Mari's POV

I stood, frozen in place. Maybe I should try and contact them. Yeah, sounds like a good idea.

Stop talking to yourself, it hurts my head.

Fred? I thought.

Yeah, I vanished here to after walking in the same direction you did.

You li- but I got cut off by Aaron joining the "group".

Same here.

You guys know that you're both idiots right?


Just, split, and find our ways outta here. Got it? Good.

I stopped telepathically talking to them, and started to walk, trying to find my way out of this creepy mess.

I had gotten out of the room, and was walking down the hallway when I stopped, dead in my tracks. I looked to my left where I had looked only seconds ago. Wait, why was this here? Confusion was in my face. I stood in front of the portrait, it looked so familiar yet so distant at the same time. Wait, a minute. Realization soon spread through me, and my eyes widened at the fact. Loren, and father were brothers?

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