Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to Mali Dry

Chapter 16 – Happyness Needed

Angus; P.o.V

The car had finally started working again, and the rain has stopped. Justus has gone silent again and its beginning to scare me why nothing seems to faze him anymore, and yet he surprises me so often.

He leaves the cliffs and I begin to cry, the sorrow of what has happened just washes over me, letting nothing stay in anymore.

I just cry and cry, I can feel him staring at me but I don’t care anymore, he has caused this. He tells me that I’m his yet he seems like nothing has changed. But everything has changed; nothing is similar to how I remember it.

Then he says something that changes everything, something that makes me question everything.

“Angus, can we be together, like together forever.”

Shock just shoots through my body; I begin to nod when I realize I have to say something.

“Yes Justus I will, of Corse I will.”

I give him a big hug; he places an arm around me while he drives on the highway, I just squeeze him. I slowly kiss him on the cheek.

“Hey Angus, I’m taking you shopping, I’ve got something to pick up ok baby.”

“Ok Justus, I think I might go shopping anyway, I need some new clothes, and I need to get you something as well.”

*    *    *    *

We arrive at the mall and there are loads of teens just rushing around everywhere, just like another day at the shops.

We run to the shops, and Justus tells me that he is going to a store before he joins me, I watch as he runs off in the other direction.

I just wander over to the music shop, seeing there was a beautiful old piano in the shopfront, I enter the store who was run by a scuzzy old man who looked like he hadn’t had a shower in a few months, his dreadlocks hung down lower than his ass and his shirt read, ‘free Tibet’.

“Excuse me, how much is the piano in the window?”

“Da piana is $2000, wood ya like ta try it man?” the old man says in a raspy Jamaican accent.

“No I’m fine, thank you very much.”

I just leave the store, I look round the mall and spot a nice clothing store, I run over to the entrance and take one look at the sign, ‘Great Happyness guaranteed with every purchase.’

I’m very confused by how they spell happiness but I enter the very different clothing boutique, they have everything in this store, I walk over to the jackets and find this beautiful bright red and black jacket made of leather, it looks kind of gothic but scream’s at me to buy it.

I flip over the price tag and it says ‘$560’. I sigh,

“Well I guess there is no price on love.”

I just grab the jacket and walk over to the counter, I must have looked stylish in the clothing that I found in Justus’s car because the girl who was serving me leans in and asks me.

“Hey, I don’t usually do this but would you like a job here, I’m in desperate need of an employee, oh By the way Im Jessica.”

I was very startled and I didn’t know what to say, she was very nice, she had very radicle green hair that kind of reminded me of Larisa, and I did need a job.

“ummm, I don’t know, I’ve never worked in a clothing store before.”

“Oh, well your hired, you can also have the jacket, I knew the moment you walked in this store that I’d like you, and trust me you will enjoy working here.” She just smiles at me as I stand there shock covering my face.

“Why thank you very much, I’m Angus and I guess I’ll be in later today. Thank you, thank you very much.”

I just walk out of the store, still confused of what just happened, I look round and here a couple fighting but I don’t dare to look round in fear of being caught watching them. They do sound familiar though, probably someone I go to school with, but then I spot Justus.

He runs over to me and jumps into my arms, hugging me very hard, he pulls out a box from his hand, he opens it and shows it to me, I am in complete and utter awe, and he takes the jewellery out of the box and places it in my hand.

I look at it, it’s a necklace, and I look at the pendant that is a music note of a playing card. It is beautiful and has something on the back; I flip it over and see the inscription. It reads ‘To my musical genius, I Love You Angus. From Justus.’

I just stand there, wondering how long he had planned this; I just jump into his arms and plant a big kiss on his lips, causing me to melt into him as our lips lock into the perfect kiss.

I hear someone yell out “oh my god, what the fuck.”

I just ignore them, kissing him harder, we release from the kiss and Justus grabs my hand and takes me to the car, he tells me that he’s dropping me at his and then he has to go grab something before he joins me.

“Angus, be good and have fun. I love you Angus. I’ll see you soon.

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