chapter 11

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Chapter 11- Whispering Secrets

Angus; P.o.V

I stir and wriggle in the bed, feeling the emptiness around me, closing in. I wonder why it got cold and why it feels like I am laying on the tops of the trees in an abandoned forest in the middle of the amazon. I feel completely alone and unable to escape its presence.

I awake from my dream to find that I am alone in the bed, I hear the door click closed and I wonder where he is going, where is my Justus going?

I slowly scramble to the end of the bed, feeling still a little nauseous. I begin to rock, I feel sick and I feel like I’m going to pass out again, I shake off this feeling. I lift myself off the bed and begin to stagger to the door, why can’t I make my body move?

I make it half way to the door before my legs give way, I crash land on the floor. I feel exposed and useless, why cant I get the strength to stand up?

I hear talking in the hall way, I try to get close enough to comprehend what is being spoken outside my room.

“But…Angus….What about me….I see……Well if this is what you really want…..I hope this works out….I love you baby, I just want you to be happy ok.”

I try and understand what is going on, I can’t tell who is speaking but I know that they are talking about me. I want to know who it is, what are they saying.

‘What the fuck is up with me anyway.’

I look down, I inspect my body. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with me, yet I just can’t seem to move.

I hear outside a voice say. “I need to get back to him ok; we need to discuss this later. Hey can you call Jessica for me, for the party.”

“Who the fuck is Jessica?” the girl’s voice says.

“Just use my phone and call her say it’s for me and I’m calling in her favour and she knows what I want. OK!” the guy says.

I hear a click and a twist, and then Justus burst through the door, standing on my arm and tripping over me, landing right next to me.

“Ouch that hurt!” I yell

“What the hell, oh my god you didn’t hear that did you Gus?” he goes bright red in the face and looks away.

“Umm… no. what was all that about anyway?”

I am very confused about what’s going on. Maybe one of them may know why my I cant stand up.

“Ok, well can someone please help me up on the bed, I feel funny, I can’t move or stand up.”

Justus gives me a smile; he stands up and grabs me from under my arms. He lifts me up, slinging me over his shoulder. I feel like an animal that this big tough guy has just caught.

He lays me back into my bed, he then signals for Jetta to go, I hear him tell her to call Jessica. Who is Jessica anyway?

He walks over to the other side of the bed and strips off again, I begin to stare, I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help myself anymore.

I see as he lifts off his shirt that he has a slight scar across his chest, it is a light pink colour compared to his sun kissed golden skin. The scar looks like a river running across his beautiful pecks; his stomach seems extra tense today. He has probably been working out more lately, his entire body seems to be glowing.

He slowly drops his pants and it reveals his beautiful tight jocks, I am still in awe that someone is that beautiful. He lifts up the sheet and slides back into his spot behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

I begin to fall back into a deep sleep, hearing him whisper in my ear as he strokes my hair, “it’s going to be ok baby, im hear for you.” I drift off into a deep sleep feeling all my worries disappear because I know my knight in shining armour is here to protect me.

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