Chapter 1

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-Sky's POV-

I was laying in bed thinking about my past I can NEVER tell anyone. I'm a King for NOTCH's sake. if the secret that I'm HeroBrine's son gets out how will the General's react the recruits all of SkyArmy! I cant tell anyone. Besides if I keep these glasses on from showing my butter colored glowing eyes how can anyone find out, Right?

There was a knock on my door. I got up to answer it. Once I opened the door it was Alesa. She is my girlfriend but she has her own bedroom in the castle. "Sky breakfast is ready!" She said kissing me on the cheek. I slightly blushed which made her giggle. We both walked off together towards the meeting hall where we eat.

Once we got there I sat besides Alesa and Ian. It was only Me, Ty, ian, Jason, Jerome, Mitch, Quentin, Seto, Ant Vemon, Bodil40, Captin Sparkles, Bashur, Aviator, AshelyMarieGaming, and Cib were all in there eating. We all talked and ate. Well in till some one asked me a question that's related to a tough subject.

"Sky you never talk about your family what are they like? Because I know we never meet them." Ian asked. Everyone stopped eating to see if I would answer. I sighed and set down my fork. "My dad I don't like to talk about and my mom was Princess Haylee of Creption." I said. I continued eating while Ian almost choked on his food. "Your mom was princess Haylee! The one that was killed by HeroBrine years and years ago?!" He asked. I dropped my fork and stared at Ian like he was a manic. "My mom was not NOT killed by HeroBrine. That was a fucking lie!" I said standing up and storming out of the room. A few people called out to me. I didn't listen I just went all the way to my room.

I locked the door and took out my normal butter sword and sheathed it. I went over to my dresser and checked that my amulet was still in there. It is, good. I walked out of my room and down the hall. I snuck pasted some of my friends that were looking for me. I got to the front gates and walked towards the woods.

I knew that my friends were following me I just continued. I tried to lose them by cutting around rivers and circling around but it wouldn't work. I just continued walking till I found the clearing I've been looking for. I walked over to a large set of bushes and uncovered a Nether Portal. The same one I escaped from my father when I was 9. When I got there I had broke it.

All of a sudden I felt negative energy behind me I turned around and sure as hell it was HeroBrine. I could hear the gasps coming from the bushes so I knew they were watching. "Hello I see you are looking at the past? Hmmm." HB said. "What do you want? Why are you hear?" I asked. he just laughed. "I want to talk to you." HB said. I turned around and faced away form him and towards the portal. "I don't want to talk to you." I said I must of gotten him mad because he grabbed my arm and turned me towards him. "I SAID I WANTED TO TALK TO YOU!" HB yelled. I stayed calm and keep a straight face. "And I" I said.

He made a small fire ball and though it at me I waved it away. "Leave me alone I don't want to talk to you." I said calmly. He got even more mad and though me against a tree and walked up to me and knelled down in front of me. Before he could say anything I spoke, "You blame yourself for my mom's death don't be the one to actually kill me." I said. He showed a glimpse of sadness in his eyes. He stood up and disappeared. I began to lose consiouness but the last thing I saw was all my friends running towards me.

-Time Skip-

I awoke on something soft. I touched my face and felt that I didn't have my glasses on. Was it all a dream? I sat up and pain moved though my body. So wasn't a dream. Wait did my friends see my eyes? No I passed out before they got to me my eyes were closed, right? "Sky are you ok you can open your eyes your in your bedroom." I think Seto said. "Who is in my room right now? And why did you all follow me I wanted to be alone." I said. "Everyone at breakfast came." Seto said. "Where are my glasses?" I asked. "Oh there broken..." Seto asked. "" I asked. "yea.....Sky please explain to us what is going on whats up with the eyes?" Alesa asked. I slowly nodded and opened my eyes. My butter glowing eyes shined brightly in the large room.

"HeroBrine is my.......father." I said while looking down. I was sitting criss cross on my bed. "Why didn't you tell us!" Bashur said. " How? How do you think 'oh I'm a demi-god' or 'hey you all trust me i have been lieing to all of you for 10 years!' How do you think i NEVER wanted anyone to know." i said. "Sky just please explain." Ty said. I sighed. "When i was 4 my mother and father brought me to see Creption everyone though HB kidnapped my mom that's a BIG lie see married my father and moved to the Nether. Yet when we got to Creption the guards tried to kill my dad but ended up killing my mom and blamed it on my dad. The dad brought me back to the Nether. He taught me how to use my powers but once i turned 8 he began to grow evil. He was never evil people though he was but he wasn't. He started killing innocent people and mobs. He killed me i think.......109 times from the time i was 8 to the time i was 9. I ran away and that Nether Portal you saw was the one i came though in.I don't like talking about this because I'm afraid that my SkyBrine will come though." i said.

Everyone just starred at me. "You must think I'm a freak......You do!"i said. Silence.

"I shouldn't have said anything!" i said. I pulled out a box from under my bed and took out a box covered in chains. I ripped off the chains and took out the God Butter sword. I sheathed it. "Sky we don't think your a freak!" Seto said. I shook my head. "I will be back later i will be at the lake." i said before teleporting to the lake. Leaving them in awe.

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